Species: Rabbit
Height: 15'8"
Appearance: naturally dirty-looking white fur, with irregular black splotches scattered about. Obese in all areas and very bottom-heavy. Most of her weight in muscle has gone to her lower body, leaving her upper-body noticably flabby.
Biography: Despite only being in her young 20s, Taya is surprisingly veteran considering her age. In her late teenage years, Taya was sent by her family to train for ASL after they could no longer afford to feed her and her skyrocketing weight and joined at the youngest age possible. Taya blames her parents for her current situation, and has grown increasingly unstable throughout her time in the ASL. At a natural disadvantage due to her poor upper-body strength forcing her to rely on her legs, short height, and inability to keep up with her seemingly nonexistent metabolism, Taya compensates this through sheer sadism and violence in the ring. Taya fights as if every single match of hers is a survival battle, and has become a popular underdog with fans due to her violent fighting style and unparalleled scrappiness in a division of women who are much bigger than her.
Personality: Taya is an anthro with a huge chip on her shoulder. Constantly snappy and fickle, Taya is surprisingly lenient with humans as far as punishment goes, as her past allows her to understand the often involuntary reasons for becoming a servant to an ASL fighter. While not exactly the ideal master, failing a task will usually cause no more than a verbal beating, or a small amount of actual beating for particularly egregious offenses, which is far preferable compared to what many others will do. She is also naturally distant and self-reliant in and out of her training, giving her servants far more free-time than most. However, her questionable mental state causes her to be prone to mood swings, and it's a not-so-well hidden secret that her last servant was hospitalized after a 4 match losing streak sent her into a fit of rage. Who knows what she'll do to you if she snaps again. Just pray that you won't be on the recieving end of her rage when it happens.
Species: Poison Dart Frog
Height: 20'4"
Appearence: Deep blue skin, purple belly, incredibly obese, and combined with her naturally round body-shape she almost looks spherical.
Biography: A quickly rising newcomer to the ASL, Sasha has an almost cartoonishly idealistic view of the world, considering her profession. A self-proclaimed "sumo vigilante," Sasha joined the ASL to take out all those she considers villains within the league. Sasha has expanded both her stock and her waistline in record time by challenging those she deems villains to survival matches, and was quickly given the chance to move up, taking some surprising wins in survival matches against powerful silver-leaguers in the process. Aspiring to extend this unique method of "Justice" to the top, Sasha is constantly eating to bulk up enough to one day be able to eat even the most giant competitors at the top of the ASL. Because of the immense weight she carries around as a result, her fighting style revolves around using her unique abilities as a frog rather than a more standard fighting style. Sasha uses her croaking to bounce her gigantic, bloated body and crush any opponent who stands in the ring with her. Sasha usespecially her tongue for more versatility, it is her main method of wrestling the opponent down, but more importantly, it can be used to execute surprise attacks on the opponent, pull in opponents from long range, and makes finishing survival battles much easier than for most fighters. Ironically, despite being a poison Dart frog, Sasha can't create poison due to a birth defect. Her poisonous glands only create air, which makes her constantly gassy. Sasha considers this an underhanded tactic however, although she will use her gas to her advantage with no qualms when she's fighting someone she considers immoral. Sasha will use her gas involuntarily, however, if she feels particularly gassy or if she's struck in the stomach. Considering her constant gorging and gigantic belly, this happens a lot. This has occurred so frequently since her rapid weight gain that the locker room has mockingly nicknamed her "The Poison Fart Frog," and Sasha herself is considering that she might as well swallow her pride and turn her gas into one of her main weapons in the ring.
Personality: Sasha is first and foremost optimistic and believes very strongly in her ideals and the upholstery of what she believes is right. Brash in nature, Sasha in unafraid of challenging someone who is more accomplished or tougher than her as long as Sasha thinks she can put up a fight. Conversely, the deeper personality Sasha reveals to her friends is surprisingly quite lazy, and even slightly slobby in the way she stops caring about controlling her gas, although her strong moral compass still remains. She is also predictably good-natured, and would risk her own well being to help anyone in danger. Sasha is also honest, brutally so, and always speaks her mind, a quality that often works against her. Sasha, as a master, is known to be quite pleasent to work for, although she doesn't respect humans enough to try to not constantly belch and fart around them. Sasha considers most forms of punishment to be overly-cruel and will only eat you if she catches you doing something she considers villainous, which is easy enough to avoid. Even so, if she thinks a servant is going out of line she will sit on them as a form of punishment with no hesitation, always for an extended period of time to make sure they receive the message.