Jacob knocked on the door, leaning onto his heel of his right foot as he waited for Greg to answer the door. He came along with Greg for the exchange as well. Inaba reminded him a bit of his old hometown, mostly small farmland and rural homes. He liked it. It wasn't a large metropolis or anything. Just some nice calm town. He and Greg were assigned to a nearby school, Yasogami High. He and Greg were placed in room 2-3 with some of the second years.
Jacob, unlike other students, liked to do research and study. He was very interested in weaponry, but unusual kinds of weapons, like scythes, glaives, and whips. He would do more research when he was bored to get more information on these. And along with that, he also was very interested in religion and mythology, especially with the beings concerning them. But that isn't why he came over. He kept hearing a constant rumor about a t.v. program that comes on at Midnight on rainy days. And it was a rainy day. The door opened and Jacob smiled. "What's up Greg? You wanna try that Midnight Channel thing?"
Greg pulled a face, "Really? You think you'll actually see your soulmate?"
Jacob shrugged his shoulders and invited himself in. "I don't know. That's why I wanna try it. Kids at school keep saying it works, so why not try it?" Greg sighed, but let him stay to try. They passed the time ordering some delivery and playing some games or being left to their own devices. It wasn't long until midnight rolled around, Jacob sitting in front of the T.V. Greg stood beside him, "You know nothing's gonna happen right?"
"Quiet!" Jacob snapped quietly as the clock striked midnight. The t.v turned on and a static-y yellow screen was displayed. "Huh? This...this is the Midnight Channel?" Jacob said surprised.
Greg smirked, "I don't see anyone on screen. What does that about your love life Jacob?"
Jacob shot a glare at Greg, "Shut up!" He turned back to the screen, something was off. It looked like the screen had dimensions. He reached out to touch the screen...only to go into the t.v. Greg shouted out in awe. "J-Jacob?!"
Jacob leaned in a little more, thinking he could....He stuck his head in and looked around, but he couldn't see anything. It was really foggy. Jacob also realized he was stuck inside. He began to push on the outside of the screen before he pulled out from the t.v, hitting his head on a table behind him. The t.v turned off as soon as he did. "Ow! Ow ow ow ow...." he exclaimed, rubbing his head."So it's true....can this work on any t.v?"
Greg looked confused for a few reasons. "You wanna try again?!"
"Of course....actually, there's a flat screen at Junes we could try it on..." Jacob thought before standing up. "Let's meet at Junes tomorrow, ok?"
Greg sighed, he was officially interested now. "Fine." Jacob soon went to his apartment to sleep, ready to try again tomorrow.
What happens next?