Tom swore under his breath as he rechecked the ingredients he would need to make the cake for his mom's birthday. He seemed to have picked everything up he needed, and he already had a bag of sugar in the house... Or so he thought. As he looked in the cupboard to grab it however, he found it wasn't there. "Where the hell did it go?" Suddenly Tom remembered that he had given it to the girl's next door, as apparently they themselves were going to try and make a whole bunch of sweets for themselves. He of course wasn't able to say no to the huge trio of Latin beauties, and he watched as they walked away, their huge bubble butts jiggling like mad in unison with each step. But now he was in a bind. Knowing them they would have used the whole bag and eaten every bit of sweets they made that day, but it was either try and ask for some back or drive all the way back to the store. With a sigh he made his way over to their house, and knocked at the door. He heard a bunch of rustling on the other side of the door, then a bunch of yelling, then bangs and booms that he could have sworn was the girls wrestling. Suddenly the door flew open and somehow (only god knows how with how huge each of them were) all three of the girls fell out of the door in a heap, right on Tom. He could hardly breathe under their immense weight, and was smothered with sweaty flesh, which he couldn't tell where one of the girls' asses ended and another's huge stomach began until everyone slowly got off of him. "Sorry Tom, we were just in such a hurry to answer the door." Tom blushed and said no problem as Maria apologized, standing in a too tight sports bra and a pair of tiny spandex shorts. "Yeah, sorry Tom, but you know how Maria is, she's like such a clutz!!!" Elsa giggled loudly as Tom saw her breasts jiggle in a tight spaghetti top and a short skirt. "Pssh, forgive them Tom, I know you know both of them combined can't have more than a handful of braincells. Tom couldn't help but stair mouth agape as Mercedes crossed her arms over her massive barely bra covered breasts, visible drool forming as he watched her bend over to help her sisters up and showed off her chunky ass in a small pair of boxer shorts. "Umm... Don't worry about it... I was just wondering if you guys had some sugar left over from the other day?" "Oh, was that it?" Elsa pouted, seemingly having hoped for something else. Mercedes glared at her, before replying. "Yeah, we still have a little left Tom, come on in and we'll get it for you. "But Mercedes..." Maria whined, before Mercedes shut her up with a glare as well. "You two go to your room and leave Tom alone, Tom, go sit on the couch, I'll go dig around and find the sugar in the kitchen." Tom smiled as the three girls walked in seperate directions as he made his way to the livingroom couch. Unfortunately as he was sitting down, a strange feeling washed over him, and as he hit the couch, he found he was tiny!!! He stood up on the beat up cushion, the smell of ass sweat from those huge sisters having used this couch for so long wafting into his nostrils. He was so taken back by the smell that he almost didn't notice Maria tiptoe in, or as best someone her size can tiptoe. She seemed crestfallen as she didn't see him, and before he could get her attention he saw her huge ass come down, splattering him into the couch. "Must have went to the bathroom... I'll wait for a bit..." Unfortunately for Tom her spandex shorts had fallen, and apparently had been trapping a bunch of sweat, all of which poured out of her shorts right into Tom's face and mouth as he was forced to swallow it or drown. Tom screamed as Maria pressed of of him to get up, apparently going to find him. Tom couldn't even move, which was made worse as he saw Elsa sneak in, her skirt swaying back and forth as she made her way to the couch. "Damn it... did he already leave? God, that Mercedes is such a killjoy..." Elsa giggled to herself as she absentmindedly swayed her skirt back and forth, easily showing off her tiny thong underneath as once again Tom watched as a huge ass plopped onto him. Tom thanked god that the thong was blocking him from going much deeper in her asscrack, because he could already see and feel uncleaned shit being smeared on him. PPHHHHRRRRRBBBBBRRRRaaaaaattttatatata... "Oh wow, maybe it was a good thing Tom left. Hehehe." Elsa continued to giggle and rip horrible ass on poor Tom, until Mercedes finally made her way into the livingroom. "Hmm, sorry Tom, it looks like we used it all after... all? What the hell are you doing Elsa? It stinks like absolute hell in here!!!" "No it doesn't... it just smells like my butt!" Mercedes rolled her eyes and plugged her nose. "What happened to Tom? Probably got scared away by your farts." "Oh, I thought he left." "Oh well... scoot over, you know I like the middle cushion, it's the least beat up." Elsa stuck her tongue out at Mercedes, which caused her to snap and leap on her sister as the wrestled for the spot. Tom was in absolute hell as he was crushed by both Elsa's ass, then Mercedes' sweat soaked boxers, both of them ripping ass as they went. PPHHHRRRTTT PPRREEEENNN!!! SPPOOORTTT!!! Soon Maria came in and joined the fray, only adding yet another horrible smell. Suddenly Tom was saved as all three girls stopped and were looking right at him. "Oh my gosh... TOM!!! Oh my gosh, we gotta help him!" "Yeah, he's so tiny and helpless!!!" Mercedes quickly shut up her sisters once again. "Wait... This is way too coincidental... You need sugar when you know full well we'll have used it all up... then you know we'll have you sit on the couch, then you shrink and hide well enough that at the very least Elsa farted all over you!!! You must... you must have set it all up!!! Our dream finally came true girls!!!" Tom screamed as Maria and Elsa quickly excepted Mercedes' explanation and before he knew it, they all had their huge bare asses pointing at him. "This is so great, now we get to fart on him as much as we want, and he totally loves it!!!" SSPPPOOORTTTTT SPPPRRAAAPPPTTTT SPPREEEENNN SLUUUUUUUURRRRSSSHHHH!!! Tom cried as he was not only covered in gas, but also huge logs, chunky shit, and waves of diarrhea. "Oops, guess that was a little more than farts... but he would have gotten out of the way if he didn't like that too... wouldn't he have? Hehehe."