Standing bare, tears rolling down her cheeks, she still wanted to protest, but how in the Hell could THAT just happen to a grown woman? She file these women's taxes for them, and after seeing this, they'd still think she was a little girl.
Jessica, almost whipped into submission, just wanting to put her clothes back on, began to reach down for her clothes when she suddenly heard -
"Maybe a little hard work will correct her behavior. She must be spoiled rotten to say things like that to old women!"
Jessica, scared of whatever the suggestion was about to be, quickly dropped the panties she began to grab and frantically began to wave her hands and scream, "No, no! I'll be good, I promise. Please!"
She wasn't afraid of hard-work, but these women terrified her. She didn't want to know what it was.
The women looked to Jessica, an almost bored expression crossed their faces, but then Mrs. Bradley piped up towards the little boy.
"Say, Wally. What were you doing before we called you in?"
"Gee, Mrs. Bradley, I was getting ready for my paper route. I have a lot of papers to do actually, and I really should get to it!" the boy said, almost panicking. He started to quickly walk towards the door, but Mrs. Bradley tenderly put her hand on Wally's shoulder, and with a tone that sounded almost like poison, she said, "Well, lucky for you, I think we just found you an assistant."
Is Jessica allowed to dress before helping Wally on his paper route?