Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1974786-Musical-Imps-Fiction-Changing-Trixsters
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Adult · #1974786
A race of mischievous magical creatures switch and mess with Fictional characters lives

A race of mischievous magical creatures switch and mess with Fictional characters lives

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
The Imp's are on the loose!

Inspired by Fiction Branches Wishing Rock Saga and their concept of Musical closets

Imp's are a very strange species indeed. They're more like pixies or fairies of ancient lore, but they are very mischievous. With their vast amounts of magic and desire to change things, they tend to mess with people in unique ways. Being powerful creatures, they're able to visit and perceive any universe they choose, and mess around how they please.

A favorite game they like to play is called "Musical Swap", whereas after singing a tune to certain characters, makes them change completely. This can be life changes imitating another character, becoming much like them in their own way, or simple fun changes like personality, job, mind or role switches. It commonly follows a formula where two characters switch depositions, but can vary as far out as the Imp wishes.

Imp's often have unique types and personalities of their own. Although they're usually small, with wings or horns, they can shapeshift at will, and take on as many forms even naturally as one could imagine. They can be angelic, like looking fairies or nymphs, or perhaps more devil-like. They can be puddles or insects, or trolls or Oni, inanimate objects, other characters, hippos flowers or doorknobs, or whatever. But they do tend to be really slinky and shiny, often sensual. Even after they've sung their initial song, they tend to want to mess around and interfere, often interacting with their victim as much as possible to maximize the fun.

Among the most special of the Imp's is the Queen Imp, Malaise. While she is vain and pretty, almighty and yet obscenely bawdy, she's a very charismatic and devilish creature. Unlike other Imps which are carefree, as Queen of the Imp's she's devious, always scheming, clever and very powerful. When she makes a change it will always serve a sort of intended purpose, which she may or may not reveal depending on her mood .

Given this, it's this Interactive's topic to log the exploits and tales of these strange creatures. How they swap up characters, how they change and manipulate people's lives, and what sort of mischief they induce. Sometimes it's random, other's they may want more than fun and are aiming for a different result. They might try to convert other's into slinky, perverted imps like themselves, or they'll give them certain traits just because they find it amusing.

How will the characters react to these Imps? That's a question that's answered perpetually in flux in this story, so come on in!

Some Guidelines:
1.Basically the Imps can perform magic, leading to TF, TG, MC, AP, AR, and any sort of change, physical or mental, personal or of reality, on a fictional character
2.One of the things they like to do most is Swap characters, but in different restricted and special ways as you'll see
3.So long as it's entertaining and follow's the Imp premise I'm fine with it. No Vore/Gore or obscene death though, they're not sadist or downright evil
4.Respect other people's choices, don't flame and try to contribute positively
5.Content rating is 18+, and there may be some adult themes but try to use proper judgement. Sex/Violence is at the writer's digression, and the Imp's are creative enough that they don't care for forced Sex 24/7
6.Use acceptable spelling and grammar please
7.The Imps, with unlimited power can take any form they, well you choose and enter anywhere. Any Fiction is allowed or fetishy topic, just be creative. Go wild with it!
8.And lastly, just be mindful of content. This is an experimental Interactive, it's not supposed to be a coherent work but just fun place to test ideas. I don't mind what series you use or suggest, but do try to contribute. I'm not going to delete any chapters or options just because they don't go anywhere or are just option after option , even if it does get to that point just try your best and have fun with it

So let's see what those Imps are up to next!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1974786-Musical-Imps-Fiction-Changing-Trixsters