"Well, I'd love to, Terra," Samuel starts, "but I'd rather not embarrass [your name] any more. Unlike some people, I actually know when to stop. Besides you don't need my help for that."
"You're cold, Sam," you reply. "(Whisper) You're cold."
"Eh, that's fine," Teriah says, "besides, Eric would likely chase you for messing up his hair."
"Then I better start running," he continues. They both walk away, chasing one another, leaving you two alone again. Suddenly, you heard rushing water.
"You hear that?" You move around to better hear the splashing, until you see that down the hill you see the biggest fountain you've ever come across.
"Hear what..?" Teriah too gets lost in the vast size of the structure. It must have been at least 7 or 8 stories high and maybe just as wide. Heck, people were lying down on the edge!
The other thing was that something, make that some things, we're circling around, interacting with each other and even students. One took notice of you and flew towards you.
It looked like a fairy spirit, and spoke in a really high voice, "Hello, there. I'm Milly, a resident of the Aura Fountain."
"Aura Fountain?" Teriah asks.
"Why, yes! This vast fountain is a reservoir of aura, the essences of spirit and emotion. And I know it's somewhat cliché, but this fountain can also grant wishes..!"
"Really!?" you both simultaneously exclaim.
Milly was taken aback from that. "... in exchange... for a gold coin."
Both of you felt ashamed, but you were the only one disheartened. Teriah springs up, "Wait, I think I have one!" She reaches into her bag and looks for it. Two seconds later, out comes a coin.
Hence the name, it is a gold coin, maybe the size of a half dollar coin, but definitely at least 5 times the weight. There was a vortex on one side and blank on the other.
"Yep, exactly like that, and you're lucky too; next to silver, gold coins are rare and have a better chance of not having your wish be complete, in your words, bull."
You snicker at the fact that a celestial being just said that and that was enough to throw your upsetting mood away. "Well, congrats, Tariah."
"Thanks, [your name], but what should I do?"
"The choice is yours; I'm not gonna make it for you."
What does she do?