Penny headed to gym class with her sports bag and tiny Tina in tow. Penny was used to shrinking people for gym, they helped soak up her sweat. She had never put someone in the back of her underwear before.
“This is should be fun.” she said as she changed into her basketball shorts. She jiggled her ass for good measure.
“Alright ladies listen up! First team to three wins. I don’t want to see any foul play here. Now play ball!”
Penny took the ball and landed her first shot within seconds. That was the thing about her, even if she was a force to be reckoned with off the court didn’t mean she’d stop dominating while she was on it. She could bob and weave like nobody’s business. If she wanted to, she could play professionally. She’s certainly used her powers to grow an inch or two, why not a whole foot? Penny figured that if she made herself six to seven feet tall, but could still win at half her height then she couldn’t see a reason in the world why her sister would make her give up her love for the sport. She wasn’t hurting anybody, if they wanted to win then should’ve practiced more like her. While Penny was having fun her butt plug certainly was not. The smell, the sweat, it was overpowering. But that still didn’t compare to the pain that she was forced to endure from Penny’s movements. Her thunderous butt cheeks would clap on her repeatedly, each time feeling like she was getting sandwiched in between a pair of mountains. She should’ve had her bones crushed entirely, but unfortunately for her the crystal’s magic prevented that. She wanted to die.
“Alright everyone good game! Now clean up and hit the showers.”
Penny grabbed a towel and walked into the locker room. She was drenched in sweat, which she saw as a good sign both because it meant that she worked hard during that game and because it meant that Tina should be nearing the end of her suffering. But Penny wasn’t quite ready for it to end so she just started grinding back and forth, dragging out the pleasure of crushing someone as long as she could. All of a sudden she overheard a conversation a group of girls were having.
“I can’t believe the school let a man in the girls locker room.” One of them said exasperatedly.
“Yeah I know. Doesn’t he know that this place doesn’t belong to him.” another replied.
“I swear if this school doesn’t do something about the freaks here I’m going to have my dad sue.” said a third girl, gritting her teeth.
Penny lifted the towel off her face and took a second to look around. She saw a group of three blondes and off in the corner by herself, was a girl hugging her legs to her chest crying. She decided to talk to her to see what was going on.
“Hey, are you ok?” Penny asked softly.
“Just go away.” the girl said, sobbing some more.
All Penny could see of her was her shirt, shorts, sneakers, and black hair in a ponytail. She leaned up against the wall with her.
“Hey it’s fine. I promise I won’t hurt you. You can just talk and I’ll listen.”
“Really?” She lifted her head slightly.
“Really.” Penny reassured her.
“It’s just that I don’t know why this is even happening. I never hurt anyone, I haven’t even been near anyone and people just won’t stop attacking me. Most of the time it’s just verbal, but it still hurts. They just go out of their way to do it. And I always try to tell the counselors but they either don’t believe me or don’t care. Sometimes I feel like dropping out of school altogether.”
“Hey don’t be so hard on yourself. You can get through this. I know it.”
“You believe in me?”
“One hundred percent. I don’t care whether or not you’re transgender. If you think you’re a girl then that’s all that matters. As long as you have a sense of care and spirit in your heart nobody should belittle you as much as you have to yourself, and I mean that.” Penny put a hand on her shoulder as the girl wiped away a tear.
“Thanks, that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me.”
“Well in that case just you wait.” Penny stood up and shouted at the group of girls.
“Hey!” No response.
“Hey you!” Still no response.
“Hey cunts look at me when I’m talking to you!” All three of the girls turn to her in unison.
“What’s your problem?” said the middle girl.
“You’ve got some nerve to be talking to us like that.” Said the short haired blonde to the left.
“Yeah, what she said.” Said the tall girl to the right.
“I hear that you’ve been talking shit about this girl here isn’t that right?”
“Yeah, what’s it to you?” said the middle girl.
“Well the way I see it you owe her an apology.”
“No way am I apologizing to that freak.” She put extra emphasis on that last word.
“I’m only going to say this once. Say you’re sorry or suffer the consequences.” Penny clenched her fists.
“Bite me loser.” She just raised an eyebrow as if she had made the best comeback. Her idiot friends seemed to agree as they snickered.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” The crystal on her blanket started to glow green.
“What’s that?” The girl said, confused.
“The consequences.” The light flashed and engulfed the room. When it cleared the girl was nowhere to be found.
“Where did she go?” Said the girl on the left.
“Yeah what did you do to her?” Saif the girl on the right.
“Why don’t you look down.” Penny said.
The two girls vision slowly panned toward the floor where they found to their horror, a blonde girl about two inches tall and jumping up and down trying to get their attention.
“AAAAAAHH!” The two girls screamed and ran away. They were afraid to be next.
“Well that takes care of that.” Said Penny, picking up the tiny miscreant.
“That was awesome! Your that magic girl who keeps disappearing people aren’t you?” Said the girl by the wall.
“Yep that’s me, Penny. And you are?”
“Chloe. My name’s Chloe.” She stood up.
“Well Chloe, I think I’ll let you hold on to this little one.” She dangled the struggling tiny.
“Well that’s awfully kind of you. Why aren’t you taking her? What do I do with her?” Chloe said unsure of what to do with her former tormentor in the palm of her hand.
“I already have one with me, I didn’t want to be greedy. Plus, it makes sense for her to be with you. I may be a bitch but I’m not a monster like her. As for safekeeping, I’d just use her as an insole if I were you.”
“Thanks for the advice.” Chloe said slipping off her sock. She could hear her last minute screams of “I’m sorry” before she dropped her in without regret and forcefully pulled her sock and boot on.
“Will I see you around Penny?” Chloe asked.
“For sure.” They both waved to each other silently and exited the gym in opposite directions.
“Now what do I do with you.” Penny said grabbing her left butt cheek.