My head was spinning as I suddenly found myself in a completely different classroom. Before I could come to my senses, people started screaming. I felt like it was hard to breathe for some reason.
I looked around. People had started fighting.
"Give me back my body, bitch! " Tina Dortman, a nerd yelled at Alicia Stonestreet.
Hannah Cameron, a girl with notoriously big breasts, had started romping herself. The teacher, sexy Miss Abbot, had started straight up stripping down. That's when I realized something was wrong. I looked down at my body and saw a petite, feminine figure. Large breasts under a low cut top. I could see the top of the bra poking out from under the shirt, quite visibly, as if it was done on purpose. My skin was bright orange. That's when I saw the notebook in front of me. In bubbly, girlish handwriting were the words "Chloe Ellis". I screamed, a high pitched, girly scream. Chloe was the slut of the grade. Legend had it she'd given blow jobs to the entire football and lacrosse teams.
I realized that everybody must have swapped bodies. There was mass confusion. I realized I had to find my sister Claire, and my own body. I daintily stepped over a kid who'd fainted and walked out of the classroom.
The halls were a jungle. People were beating people up, crying, and stripping down, right there in the open.
"Claire! "I shouted. There was no reply. I suddenly realized how vulnerable I felt. I was in the body of a slut who I didn't even know, in the middle of a madhouse. Who knew what would happen to me?
Then I got an idea. I pried out Chloe's slim pink phone from her purse and tried to recall Claire's number. I called the number.
"Hello? " Claire's voice asked.
"Claire! Is that you?" I shouted.
Claire sighed. "Sadly, no. I'm Tyler Harris."
"Tyler! It's me, Nick!" Tyler was my best friend and next door neighbor. He was the funniest person I knew.
"Nick? Dude, who's body are you in?"
I groaned. "Chloe the slut."
Even amidst all the confusion, Tyler chuckled. "So what's it like having a bad spray tan?"
"Look, where are you?" I asked.
"I'm in the home ec room. It's empty," he replied.
"I'll be there soon, "I said. I hung up and started running to the home ec room. I burst in and was relieved to see Tyler sitting there, even if he was in my sister's body.
Tyler made Claire's eyes grow wide. "You really are in Chloe's body."
"Yeah, dipshit. Now come on. Maybe if you're in Claire's body, she's in yours."
"Ok, why don't we look for our real bodies? We'll meet up back here."
"Ok, "I replied. We split up and started searching. I ran back to Mr. Frankland's room and found my body standing amidst the fighting, looking scared.
"Chloe? " I asked. Whoever was in nh body shook their head. "No. I'm Zoey."
"Zoey! It's me, Nick! "I exclaimed. We embraced each other. It felt weird to hug myself.
"Uh, dude? "Zoey said, "I'm kinda choking on your makeup fumes."
"Sorry, "I said, backing away, "ok, maybe if I'm in Chloe's body and you're in my body... then Chloe's in your body! "
"Dammit! That slut's in my body? She probably already lost my virginity! " Zoey exclaimed.
"I said she might be, "I said, "so where were you before the swap? "
"The library," Zoey answered.
"Does my voice really sound like that? "I asked.
"Yeah, "Zoey said.
"Let's go to the library, then, "I said.
We started on our way to the library. The commotion in the halls had started to die down, probably because people had started leaving the school. The two of us made it to the library within a few minutes.
"Chloe?" I shouted.
"What?" A voice replied. Timidly, Zoey's body emerged from behind a bookshelf.
"Hey! Give me back my body! " she shouted, and started running at me. Zoey held her back. "Get out of my body, slut! "Zoey shouted.
"Guys, calm down! " I screamed. "No one knows what's going on. Come on, let's go meet Tyler in the home ec room."
The two of them reluctantly agreed. I got to the home ec room to see Tyler's body, Claire's body, and Willow, a popular girl's body.
"Ok. Who's who? " asked Zoey.
"I'm Tyler, "said Claire.
"I'm Willow, "said Tyler.
"I'm Claire, "said Willow.
"Dude..."I muttered, then ran up to hug Claire in Willow's body. "Claire, it's me, Nick." It felt good to have an excuse to hug Willow tight. I felt a sudden wetness in my crotch, and backed away.
"Ok, what now? " asked Zoey.
"Let's go make sure our families are ok, "said Claire. Since all of us lived in the same neighborhood, everyone agreed.