Yukari stepped up to take her turn at shooting, she did her best to focus as best as she could, but she couldn't put it out of her mind that she was standing in the archery range wearing nothing but a pair of pink panties, she felt the stiffness in her nipples, and she would've dismissed that as the fault of the cool air, but she also felt a strange yet familiar feeling in her loins.
She held her breath and fired the arrow, she had managed to hit just outside the bulls-eye on the target.
"not bad," Kaya nodded in what Yukari could only believe was mock admiration "but that's not going to cut it."
Yukari wanted to retort, but Kaya had taken her stance and fired so quickly there was barely enough time to do so, Yukari looked over to the target, and saw an arrow in the bulls-eye, it took a few moments for the resounding defeat to register in her head, it felt like hours went past as yukari stood there, shocked, wearing nothing but her panties.
"I'm waiting." Kaya expectantly tapped her foot on the ground, watching Yukari intently in anticipation of the big moment.
Without word, Yukari hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties, she pushed them down as her heart beat like a drum, she stood back up and that's when it truly hit her; she was standing buck naked in the middle of her school, her nipples were hard, her nether regions tingling ever so lightly, was she aroused? And that's when the alarms blared in her head.
"Wait! You can't do this!" Yukari blurted out in panic.
"You agreed to play and you lost, which means you're my slave for the week." Kaya was savoring the result as she admonished Yukari "Fair is fair."
"C'mon, isn't this too much?" Yukari's hands finally caught on and darted to cover her exposed breasts and pussy, the cold air didn't help much "I-i'll do the forfeit, just tell me what to do!"
Kaya sighed and appeared to think for a moment "Fine, your forfeit is to masturbate here." She finally said, exasperated.
Yukari was speechless, she under no circumstances would even consider accepting that forfeit, but she had no choice, it was either this or become Kaya's slave for an entire week, and that was out of the question.
Yukari bit her lip and closed her eyes as she squeezed her breast with the hand already there, as her other hand began toying with her clit, she tried to forget about Kaya standing right in front of her and watching her about to humiliate herself.
She eased herself down onto her back, legs wide open, her fingers slipped into her lubricated sex, Yukari let out a silent gasp as the other hand pinched her nipple tightly, the hand departed her bosom and traveled down to her now neglected clitoris, the double assault caused her to forcibly arch her back.
As she continued, Yukari noticed herself moaning and her hips were gyrating against her will, she was inching closer to orgasm, she had completely forgotten about kaya when:
"C'mon Yukari-chan, make it look good for the camera!" Kaya called out, and a single thread of awareness crept back into Yukari's head:
Yukari opened her eyes and craned her neck to see Kaya, and to her horror, there was the girl holding her phone in her hand and was pointing it at Yukari; she was being filmed!
This thought alone came over Yukari like a tidal wave, her hands went back to working furiously, rubbing her clit and pumping her fingers in and out of her sopping wet hole as energetically as she could, she let out a loud and sexual "OH YESSS!!" as her hips bucked upwards and off the ground, her thighs pressing together and closing on her hands as the throes of pleasure overtook her.
"Mmmmm..." Yukari moaned as she pulled out her drenched fingers from inside of her, her juices, no longer plugged up bu her hand, were finally free to flow down her inner thighs and her crack.
"Nicely done Yukari-chan, I could almost swear you wanted to do this." Kaya walked up to Yukari's limp body, which lay crumpled on the ground "Do you know what this means, Yukari-chan?"
Kaya held up the phone to Yukari's face: "It means you're my slave, whether you want to or not. Now lick those fingers clean."
Yukari, still weak from the haze of the orgasm (both physically and mentally), she lazily lifted her fingers up to her mouth and began sucking them dry, it was her first time tasting the metallic, sour taste of her own love juices, soon enough, her fingers were clean.
The fog in her mind was beginning to clear up, it finally dawned on her, she was Kaya's slave from now on.