You burst through the locker room door in a great furor. Sarah's little assault has left you positively fuming; even if the experience itself may have been overwhelmingly pleasant, the fact that she would consider rape as an acceptable way to show her love just shows how warped her sense of love is. If it is even really about love. You wouldn't put it past Sarah to have done it to JUST to spite any chance you have of getting a new girlfriend. Not many girls would be willing to date a man who's liable to get a blowjob at any moment.
The thought of Sarah stalking you for the remainder of your high school career pollutes your thoughts as you begin to disrobe. The locker room is positively empty and you left the field early enough that it'll remain that way for a few more minutes. It's a soothing environment. A perfect place to relax after your exhibitionist experience back on the field. In fact, it's more than just soothing; it's outright pleasurable. Erotic, even. You can feel your flaccid cock starting to swell back to its rock hard state.
Perplexed, you pull the band on your boxers out and gaze down into the cavern. Your recently milked member is indeed solid once more, pulsating stronger and stronger with each passing second. The size increases as well with you rod rocketing past 6 inches in length. It doesn't stop there, however, and soon comes to a halt at just over one foot in length, with the thickness of about your wrist. So long is your erection that even when you snap the band of your boxes back that it isn't contained; the tip of your glans pokes defiantly out.
Just as you go to rearrange your member, the creak of the locker room door opening sends you into a panic. Hoping to avoid yet another embarrassing situation, you duck into the nearby toilet stall before anyone even realizes your presence. Now within the comfort of your own privacy, you strip off the last of your clothes and stand nude to examine yourself further. Compared to your old measly four inch cock, this thing is massive; three times as long and three times as thick. An impressive sight, though you are still too miffed to appreciate it. Sarah MUST be responsible for this as well. Perhaps she was wearing some special lipstick or injected you with something when you didn't realize it.
Either way, your first priority is to get rid of this raging erection of yours. It's simply too much of an annoyance to keep in its current state. You grip the base end of your member with both hands and sloppily tugging in a brutish motion. Though not as smooth as Sarah's jerking, it's just as effective, and soon your tip begins to quiver with lust. You've just about reached you limit, and with a few more tugs you... stay at that limit. Despite your best effort, you can't seem to blow your load.
Frustrated, you chalk it up to a bit of performance anxiety. Jerking it in a public restroom is nerve wracking after all. Putting it behind you, you reach down to get your boxers back on, only to find they've disappeared. In addition, the stall looks different, somehow. The graffiti has changed and the numerous scratches and such on the walls have been rearranged. Echoes of feminine laughter pierce through the thin, stall walls. Suspecting Sarah once again, you pivot around and push open the door.
"Sarah, I swear if y-" you say as you are cut off by your own shock.
You find yourself in the bright, cheery atmosphere of the women's locker room. About 30 feet across from you sits the main row of lockers, accompanied by a gaggle of girls in various states of undress. You tumble back into the stall, letting the door slam shut.
This is one hell of a situation. You have no idea how you wound up here, but that doesn't matter at the moment. What does matter is that you're currently trapped in the girls locker room, naked and sporting a gigantic erection. Your logical sense tells you to sneak out; to escape before you get thrown in jail as some sort of sex offender. Yet your still-erect cock urges you to slip closer and get a better view of the action. What do you do?