OK, so now what? You assume it's like Trivial Pursuits, so you ask Bryony to take the top card from the red stack so that she can read the question, um, task...
“OK, so what did you throw?” she asks. “Ah, five.” she answers for herself, looking at the dice still resting on the board. She then looks at the card. “Oh. Well, that's not what I was expecting...”
“OK, so what does it say?” you ask.
“It says you are to share a memory with the other player or players. Depending on the number you threw will decide what. So a five would be your first, um, well there's a weird little symbol and a word.
オナニー (Onanī)
OK, so you need to share with Bryony your memory of your first something, but have no idea what it is. Guess that's what you get for buying a Japanese game. Oh, hang on, if it's in Japanese you should be able to translate it easily enough. You grab your phone and type the word in. Oh crap. Well, there's no way you're sharing anything with your little sister about the first time you masturbated. That just isn't going to happen.
You try to work out what to tell Bryony it means, as clearly you're not going to tell her the real translation. However before you get a chance to reach any likely conclusion you see her turn bright red in her face, gasp, look at you in astonishment, and clutch her mouth with her hands.
“What?” you ask. “I haven't said anything!”
“Terry, you... how could you...? How...?”
“How could I what?”
“Play with yourself like that? That's just weird. But how did you give me that memory? That's, well, that's actually quite clever.”
You realize she's just talking rubbish, but obviously she thinks she's making sense. “Bry. Calm down and tell me what you're talking about.”
“Your memory of when you first played with yourself. I've got it. I can remember it as if it was one of my memories. It's pretty gross really, but clever how I can now remember it.”
“What! You can't be serious!”
“I could describe it in as much detail as, well, I guess as much detail as you can remember. It was in your bedroom. You were wearing a black polo shirt and red shorts, well to start with, before you undid them and dropped them around your ankles, and you were looking at a picture of... Why were you looking at a picture of a girl pouring milk over herself?...”
Well, to be honest you can't remember too much about the first time you... and probably just as well, although she's got it spot on. But how the Hell can Bryony remember it? That's impossible. Or at least scientifically improbable. Only, apparently she can... Either she's somehow being extremely clever and pulling the gag of all time on you, you're losing the plot entirely and somehow imagining the whole thing, or this game is something beyond what it says on the box...
“So, I guess you've finished your turn then?” Bryony asks. “You've completed the task, shocking your younger sister to her core in the process, so you've earned a red wedge.”
Um yes, guess she's right then... You pick up a red wedge and insert it in the top of your token on the board. Well, one turn over... only 5 to go, well, 6 including the last one. Assuming you can get to the colors you want of course, so maybe a couple more. Hmm, this game could prove to be interesting, although playing with Bryony, likely to be more challenging.
She picks up the dice, and throws it, landing on a two. She scans the board and moves her token along to a blue square, and drops in there.
“OK, so could you take the top card from the blue stack please Terry, and tell me what my task is?”
You do so, and read it.
You are to do something nice for the other player. You then scan down the list to number 2, which says...