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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Sports · #1908509
A take off of the tv show, The Jersey, but with a few twists.

A take off of the tv show, The Jersey, but with a few twists.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
The Jersey is based off of the old tv show. The main plot has some teenage kids who get transported into the body and life of an athlete. They have to play the game and learn something from it. Then they go back to their own life. The catch is the Jersey chooses who switches, who they become, and when the switch happens. The other catch is, the person who switches just disappears until the experience is over. The new plot though, happens the same way with one of the main characters, however, when they are put in the body and life of the athlete, the athlete is put back in their body. Also, they do not always switch back when the game is over. They have to get the jersey in order to switch back, if someone else uses the jersey, they switch with another athlete. If the athlete uses the jersey after they are switched, they also switch into the body of another athlete.

Main Characters:
Ethan Newman (16) - The owner of the Jersey. You are an average athlete, nothing special. 6'2". Play football and basketball, but are the star in neither of them. Sophomore in high school. Sports junky.

Ashley Hendricks (16) - Ethan's girlfriend. 5'6". Blonde. Plays soccer. C-cup. Good looking. Gets along very well with your guy friends.

Ben Rogers (16) - Ethan's best friend. 6'1". Plays football and basketball as well. Better athlete than you, faster and stronger. Also sports junky.

Madison White (17) - Ben's girlfriend. 5'5". Cheerleader. D-cup. Brunette. Very good looking, gets along with most of your friends, but doesn't really like sports.

Erica Newman (18) - Ethan's sister. 5'11". Plays volleyball. Star player. Argue with Ethan some but still get along. Is going to play volleyball in college. B-cup. Blonde. No boyfriend.

Julia Newman (43) - Ethan's mom. 5'9". Has never played sports. D-cup. Blonde. Works as a bank teller.

Jack Newman (44) - Ethan's dad. 6'4". Football star in college. Now owns a successful company in your hometown. Still in good shape from running 3 miles a day.

Feel free to add more characters.

1. Keep it fairly clean. Sex is allowed. No gay sex.
2. Chapters must be at least 10 lines long.
3. If more than one person switches, try and keep them together.
4. Have fun, and please add!!

I reserve the right to delete a chapter if it doesnt follow the story line or is too specific/out of hand.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1908509-The-Jersey