Pale fingers lifted a surgical mask up and over his nose. Grinning under his mask at the captive restrained at the other side of the room, he glanced at his selection of tools. Cyan eyes drifted over scalpels, hammers, shovels and more; all tools that, without context, seemed out of case.
Name: Braewerth Kirkland
Born human.
Only two assistants remained in the sterile room with him. One was a horse, solidly built, powerful muscles tensed under his chocolate fur. His black tail swished uneasily.
The other was a dog. A husky, to be exact. Underneath her grey fur, her muscles tensed and untensed, similarly to the horse beside her. Toeclaws clicked lightly on the floor.
Both of the anthros towered over the human. Despite the pale man being just above average height, the two figures behind him made him look downright puny. He stood as tall as the husky's chin, but barely as tall as the stallion's shoulders.
Glaring at the restrained undead opposite him, Braewerth turned to his two assistants, who were wearing surgical scrubs, just like him. "You two are dismissed." Ignoring their protests, Braewerth took a claw hammer into his hands. "The undead is restrained. Its teeth we're removed even before its lower jaw was, and I was born to anthro parents. I am in no danger."
As the two anthros exited the room, Braewerth found himself alone with the chained zombie. Pallid, decaying flesh was stretched across a thin skeletal frame. Numerous small scars covered its half-naked body. Milky-white orbs gazed hungrily in Braewerth's direction. Braewerth raised a dictaphone to his mouth.
"Subject Zero-Zero-One appears to have been female before infection, as is indicated by both the lack of male genitalia and the resultant wounds that would occur with the removal of said genitalia. Visual sexing was at first difficult due to the heavy volume of scars sustained by Zero-Zero-One. It is reasonable to assume that the subject has either been in numerous fights - with either wildlife or human/anthro forces; or that damage sustained through natural wear and tear has not healed due to widespread necrosis."
Braewerth began to walk towards the zombie. The room he was in was long and wide, not to mention tall. At one point it may well have been a sports hall, but currently it had been converted into a makeshift laboratory of sorts. Emphasis on makeshift.
"Signs of gangrene present of subject's right arm. Left arm and hand are severely decayed, and their lack of use by the subject suggests that they are completely nonfunctional. In addition, there is extremely heavy damage to both legs, in particular the feet. Bone is exposed in several locations, along with muscles and nerves."
"This test, hereby designated Test Zero-Zero-One, will attempt to study the effects of pain on individuals who have succumbed to the so-called 'Zombie Virus'. Test Zero-Zero-One will be conducted with a blunt instrument - a claw hammer. Blows will be made to the limbs, and will increase in strength as they move up the limbs to the torso, until either a significant response is attained, or all four limbs are destroyed. Subsequent tests - designated Tests Zero-Zero-Two and Zero-Zero-Three, will most likely be conducted with different necrotic individuals, and will be undertaken with stabbing and slashing weaponry. Test Zero-Zero-Four will attempt to elicit a survival reflex to light and medium blows to the upper torso, neck, and head."
"End log."