This story begins in the Barrows residence. A rather big dwelling in the well-off side of the suburbs, belonging to a family of two parents, and their daughters.
Angelica, or Angie to her friends, was one of those daughters. At seven years old, she was considered the middle daughter. Being rather shy, she was a bit of a shut-in, but she still enjoyed going outside, whether it be for family days out or just to explore the neighbourhood. She also enjoyed playing with her friends, and was an avid live-action roleplayer. Larping, as she called it.
When she was inside, however, what she did was all but social. Video games, anime, comic books and the internet had free reign of her indoor time. She would spend hours on end in her room, partaking in her library of games, manga or dvds that would make many a nerd jealous, or browsing the internet to relieve boredom.
This wasn't all she'd do of course; she also snacked! Having, what her mother would playfully tease her for, a row of sweet teeth, she had an affinity for sweets and junk food. And of course, she got as much as she wanted; the pantry was almost always stuffed to the brim with greasy, sugary treats just for her.
But she was a regular girl for her age, with long brunette hair and amber eyes. All except for one obvious detail.
Her sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet of course had its tolls on her. She was incredibly overweight, often considered obese! Her attire for this particular day consisted of a pink t-shirt of her favourite anime at the moment, with the pale love handles and overhang of her round tummy peeking out of it and covering the buttons of her jean-shorts. She already had the beginnings of flabby, saggy breasts pushing against her shirt, and her face sported a pair of pink, round cheeks and a prominent double-chin. In the house, she wore nothing on her feet so her tubby toes were free, albeit invisible to her thanks to her protruding abdomen.
However, every doctor visit she had was met with the same result; "She's incredibly overweight, but her physical health is in peak condition!" Everyone who was told was completely baffled.
She was a round butterball of a girl, and was the complete opposite of fit, but she got good grades in school and was always sweet and friendly, if a little naive.
On this one day, a weekend, she was slumped in her computer chair, browsing the internet for something amusing to do, while she sipped a litre bottle of cola and dunked her hand into a family-sized bag of chips.