“No no no,” Yuki repeated. This was unreal. She’d just woken up to all the power in the world and she’d already broken the Dictaphone. It had to still work. She looked at the mess her expansion had caused and, determined to make the damaged device work, she pressed record.
“This mess I made is cleaned up and my computer isn’t broken,” she recorded. She pushed the stop button and listened but she did not hear the telltale sparking noise. She groaned audibly. How could this have happened? How could she have been so reckless? After sitting on the floor for a few minutes wallowing in her self-pity, she decided to try again, refusing to give up just yet. Once again, she pressed record.
“This mess I made is cleaned up and my computer isn’t broken,” she repeated into the device and pressed stop. This time she did here the sparkle sound. She gasped in surprise and relief. She looked up from the device at her desk, grinning ear to ear.
Everything was as it should be. Her desk and her papers and things were all in their appropriate places, as if they’d never been touched. Her computer was unharmed and still open to her email. She fell backward with a thud, her giant body taking up almost all of the floor space. Finally, able to relax after her panic attack Yuki was finally able to take in just how big she was. Lying on the floor of her small dorm, she took up so much space.
Yuki had always been busty since her early teens so the way her breasts rolled to the sides while she lay was nothing new. The fact that they were much bigger than her head was very new. They were so heavy and pendulous and, with the fabric of her sleep shirt stretched taut and molded to her chest, very sensitive she realized, straying to blush. She had to use both hands due to their size and weight to move one of them to get a closer look and notice that her nipples had enlarged as well. They poked through the fabric. She resisted the temptation to tweak. Turning her attention southward, her stomach rose past her breasts in her horizontal position. She pulled her shirt up to examine the pale expanse. Oddly spherical, she was surprised at how round and soft it was. It wobbled whenever she breathed. Finally, she focused on her lower half. Though she couldn’t see it from her current position, she had an idea of how big her ass truly was. Though it was soft and malleable fat, it could only squish so far beneath her and, as a result, her hips were pushed upward much farther than she was used to. She ran her hands over her smooth hips and thighs. She was so wide now she figured she’d have trouble with doorways. The idea was intriguing and frightening as well. Curious if her new toy was still working and the extent of her abilities, Yuki lifted it to her mouth and pressed record.
“I know how big I am,” she pressed stop. She immediately heard the sparkle sound and knew it had worked. This time it was strange. She suddenly just knew. She knew that she was now 6’8”, a whole foot and a half taller than before. She knew she was now 362 pounds, a whopping 247 pounds heavier. She knew that her F cups, that she once thought were borderline too big, were now almost unfathomable M cups. She was gigantic.
Rising to her full height, Yuki looked around the small room. She was gratefully she could still stand up straight, though it appeared she would have to duck to leave her room. Deciding to make herself more decent in case Cathy came home early, Yuki lumbered over to her closet to assess the damage. To her surprise, her entire wardrobe was much bigger. She struggled to fit her giant breasts into her larger bra and struggle to keep her balance while she pulled her tight panties up her thick thighs and over her wider hips. She donned a pair of tight jeans and crème colored sweater with a turtle neck. Though her clothes did fit, she noticed they fit much different than before. Before, her pants fit ok and her sweaters, her preferred attire were baggy so as to not emphasize her chest; while she was proud of her bust her general shyness outweighed her pride. Now, her clothing was tight and emphasized every massive curve of her body.
Across the room Yuki noticed a picture on Cathy’s desk. She crossed to study it. It was a selfie the two girls had taken at the beginning of the year and she certainly didn’t remember it looking like that. In her mind, Yuki remember the photo: the girls had just met and Cathy insisted on taking it so they could look back on when their friendship began. Being much taller, Cathy had held the camera and Yuki had overcome her shyness and showed a genuine smile in the photo. Now, the roles were reversed; both still smiling and happy, the new version of the photo depicted Yuki herself as a giant, holding the camera to capture both of them. Cathy stood in from of her, leaning against her plush body, head between her large breasts and hands squeezing Yuki’s tummy. Yuki’s face was more pink too. It seems Cathy is a bit more handsy with me now, Yuki thought, not entirely upset. She looked back at her mirror.
She stared at her reflection, trying to take it all in. It was a little difficult as she could not see own face without bending. With both hands she lifted her belly and gave it a little playful shake.
“It’s so big. I got so fat,” she mumbled. It wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t what she wanted. At least, not right now. At least, she thought. “Maybe I should tone it down a bit…”