Up the coast is Sea Isle City. I haven't visited yet, and it has a number of art deco hotels that might reach my waist, as well as a few new casinos that might actually be taller than me. Could be fun, and if it gets old, there's always the beach. I haven't been there since I was a little girl, and the drive bored me, hours long. Now, I should get there in minutes. I probably should keep working out if I want to keep fit, anyway. I start jogging down the road, or mostly down the road. The road sometimes twists for no real reason, just to reach or avoid small towns, or maybe just to keep drivers awake. I don't care about any of this, so I just jog straight towards the farthest point down the road that I can see. Sometimes, this is directly on the road, if it's straight enough, but sometimes it takes me through (well, over) small towns or other things not worth my notice.
Small towns around here aren't remotely solid enough to be fun. I just ignore them. My feet sometimes hit buildings in them, and they collapse like origami. Boring. And mostly, they are so fragile that the shockwave of my passage (because I am supersonic when I run) just shatters them completely. But since I'm faster than my shockwave, I can only see that if I look back. I don't like to do that because it doesn't show the proper level of disdain.
I slow down once I arrive at Sea Isle City, because while I've left a nice trail of destruction behind me, I don't want to demolish the whole place in like, five minutes. I mean, sure I could do that, but what's the point? I want to savor it! I start by just walking down the streets. My feet are almost three lanes wide, so I pretty much fill any street I take. I like the feeling of tiny vehicles popping under my soles. By now, everyone is running for cover, but what's safe from a girl like me? Nothing, that's what. I'm heavy enough to collapse anything underground, and nothing on the surface can resist me. But I'm not that interested in the low buildings here, I step on a few, if they are in my way, but what I'm looking for are the taller hotels and office blocks. I feel them now, against my thighs, getting a little taller, until finally, they reach my hips. I slow myself way down, and do a slow, sexy sway down the street, that just happens to sway just enough to ensure that behind me, are only piles of rubble. My crotch is a little wet, as I think of my strength. I see the mass of the big casino a few blocks ahead, but I keep walking there slowly. My hip touches an art deco jewel, pushes just a little, and the concrete cracks, a little more, and the façade falls in, and a little farther, and it collapses. Another step and the other side of the street crunches. Soon I'm standing in front of the first casino. It isn't even so nice as the art deco that I've ruined for a few minutes of fun. I stick my finger in the brutalist façade. The concrete gives as though I'm poking a sand castle. This casino is ugly, and it annoys me that it's a head taller than me. I push my massive tits into it, and it's like pushing into sand,.. except the sound of concrete and steel being crushed is a little different. Once they are in as far as they'll go (which is a good 35 feet, my tits are big and perky!) I slide myself down the side, and try to imagine what it must look like inside! I notice that even my nipples are stronger than the building, they, too, are carving out their shape as I move. Eventually I get to the corner, and have to continue my way down the next side. The alley here is narrow, and my ass doesn't have clearance, though of course it can handle building modifications easily. I get about halfway down, and then enough supports have been knocked out that the entire top of the casino tilts, and then falls, knocking everything down in a cloud of dust. I decide to smash the hotel behind me too, with my behind. I take a step back and then fall backwards, and that building too is rubble. I lay back and touch myself, I feel so horny now. My back arches, and I writhe around, and my massive body moving shakes things enough to knock down a few more buildings, and that's when I notice the lighthouse. It looks just about the right size. I walk over to it, and lower myself down on it, Perfect! I cum, and my moans break any glass that remain in the city. My pussy clenches, and I feel the lighthouse crush. I'm just too much for everything, except Tim, and he's a little boring for me. I feel a little dusty, but there's still the other big casino left. I try to decide what to do next.