Standing there outside the half opened Dutch style door to the stall, as looking inside I happened to see a medium size as all black pony standing there, his rump faced toward the door, and he making whimpering sounds as similar to a child crying. Minutes pass and the whimpering sounds continue as I watched, until about ready to speak as say something to turn the pony and his attention to greeting a visitor.
Instead, the loud voices of a man and woman arguing as they entered the stables from the far end, sends me to scurry into the luckily empty stall directly across from the black, as sad pony.
"Hazel I warned you and told you several times as not to bring to the fairgrounds one of your..., volunteers, as if anyone sane would wish to be a volunteer for one of your money-making schemes." The man said as arguing with she the woman he referred to as being named Hazel.
"Jeb, did I ever tell you, you can be a pain in the ass?" Hazel said in rebuttal to the man, as seemingly his name being Jeb!
"Yes you did, and from that lurid comment and for seven years to the very day as after that argument, you had me become and live the crude form as lifestyle of a stud Jackass. It was fortunate that I could not return to be with my wife, when you consider how horny a Jackass you made of me. Then too, you kept me incommunicado from her and my family, making use of me as a mule making stud. I was just thirty years of age when you caused on me that horrid change, as to force me to breed with mares, made proper considering I was in the form of an animal, but rather unsavory to me as my human mind and intellect remained alert but not in control." Jeb arguing did say, as to hear her, Hazel chucking at the trouble she made him to bear.
"Well what of Kevin, I think I can hear him, is he still crying, did you forget to give him clean water and some easy to munch foods, he is not accustomed yet to grazing or eating hay from a suspended netting. Oh Kevin, Auntie Hazel is come to see her nephew!" Hazel said, as from the conversing I overheard, Jeb was a willing accomplice to Hazel who would seem was either a great scientist type, or a witch.
They walked up to the stall holding the whimpering pony, as Hazel offered her warm as friendly a greeting, she said, "Good morning nephew, and how was it yesterday, your first full day being my newest pony stallion?
I had you trucked to the county fairgrounds where with the h-e-l-p of my friend Jeb Flycatcher, he shall authorize you to stand with and breed pony mares, their owners paying him and me a royalty for each mare confirmed as being impregnated.
Be reminded dear nephew, it was you who came to me and requested I help you, as to better understand the facts of life, something your wimpy father could not gather the courage to tell his son how life begins. It was from you being too nosy that then entering my farm stables and there listen to me giving the last fair warning to those impetuous college girls, they kept bothering me to buy magazines to sponsor their education..., so I sponsored them and educated them a bit differently than they had as planned, ha, ha, he, ha !
You remember the two Red Angus heifers I shipped to you here two weeks ago? They sold quick at the farm auction, each for five hundred dollars, as they learned the price of being good beef, as in time to become proper cows, appreciative of bulls too, I bet!" Hazel said as if what she had done gave her a sense of pride.
"You told me there were thee girls, so what happened to the third, or should I be expecting her anytime soon?" Jeb asked, as seemingly calmed from his reasons to be argumentative with Hazel.
As nephew Kevin calmed his fears and tears, if a horse could cry, he had turned to face his Auntie and Jeb, was listening, hanging like me upon every sentence said.
"Yea her, well when the three of them kept bothering me, she was the one standing behind the two more aggressive girls. She being a natural Blonde, and such is not a hair coloring but an actual state of mind. She I tied up and made her watch as her two scheming friends knelt and begged of me until all they could utter were groans and moos.
Pricilla, the blonde did her own pleading, but not once did she ask or suggest of me her friends be returned to being again human. Rather self-centered a girl, as she considered what I could do or might use as make from her, she changed her tune and requested me to make her famous, a movie star, as wealthier than she could need or spend!
She was so damn gullible she got me to laughing, I almost let her go, as if she told someone, or the authorities for example, who would believe there was a real witch and people changed into being animals!
Before I decided exactly what to do with her, she offered some unwittingly cute suggestions, as such a female version of Mister Ed, or a talking jenny Mule named Francis. She had a fancy about equine being gallant, nonsense, but it was entertaining to hear her ramble. I tainted her meals and she excepted her changing form with remarkable appreciation. Each day a little more of her changes as she grows smaller, becoming in another month more as the next Lassie.
Nephew, I got lost in myself, I came here to talk to you and let you know enough to cease worrying. First and foremost id that what you became is a Welsh Mountain breed of a stallion pony. Secondarily, your changes I made as being permanent, you shall be a pony for the next forty or more years, and likely a stallion at stud for the first decade in your ponified lifetime. Thirdly, I decided against you keeping your intellect intact and thinking rationally, you will make a better breeding stallion from instincts instead of human-male-lusts.
You cannot speak fluently or talk as your mind shall degrade from enjoying breeding sessions with mares. You could retain your wits if you were to mate with a human female, per-say once a week, but Jeb here will make sure such foolishness never happens.
I want for my nephew Kevin, or I think we should change his name, giving him a title as being King Kevin, no make it Prince Kevin, he is after all the only son to the seventh son of a grandfather minister, reasons enough there that the she-devil sponsoring my powers did thrill at the owning of Kevin's soul.
Your father had some threatening words for me, and that is something a mortal fool should not do to a witch. He would have wanted to bargain with me, but he and his vast sins had his soul in the loving hands of the devil already. He had little to trade, save that of dooming his dear wife and two very moral daughters.
I served the foolish man some Iced tea, Jeb you might remember you had some of my tea and cookies just before having your sabbatical at the Morris-Mule Farm for a time of relaxing and stiff fun.
He told me he came there to either kill me or goad me into being considerate to his only son. Well, after drinking my tea, your father, my brother, went home feeling mesmerized. When he used the word goad, it rang a bell as how to keep him interested with his well-being, forgetting his son, and feeling a growing urge as passion for his wife or any available vagina nearby. He is so damn horny, he got his wife pregnant at her age, and began searching for new female companions, he getting a bit more goaty after every evening away from home.
You did check my nephew for soundness and general health, correct?" Hazel asked of Jeb.
"Yes I did, and like all of those you sent my way, including me I might add, all were as champion grade stock. Now what about Kevin, or ah Prince Kevin, he has need of some document papers to warrant leasing him as being a stallion pony at stud." Jeb mentioned, as to his surprise Hazel drew from her bulky big purse an envelope.
"There are his heritage papers, authenticated by my she-devil familiar, and recorded in the national stud book registry. Kevin you will learn to love what I did for you, as like your puny father, he had his as short but is getting longer each new conquest, as you I gifted a twenty-three and a half inches of pure male pleasure, making you able to reach even the tall mares, enjoy it!"
Hazel returned to talking with Jeb the stables manager, as I then crept out into the stables main aisle, and looking at Kevin, I said, "Hello, quite the family history I just heard, is there something we could do to help keep your mind and memories as in working order?"