This choice: The two bond to your body, you now have a pussy and a second penis, but... • Go Back...Chapter #7The two bond to your body, you now have a pussy... by: Barlen  Now you need to figure out how to pee out of them properly... however we're getting ahead of ourselves here.
Dropping your drawers, you pop your cock off and after a moments thought attach it to your chest right over your heart... that should keep it out of trouble! Next you weigh the two apparently ownerless genitals in your hands, hmm... the pussy or the penis. You decide to go with the pussy and put the cock on the counter. Now how to get it on... you figure the best place to attach it would be between your legs... so heedless of the potential consequences you press it home over your taint... and quickly regret your decision!
It attaches alright, but the first thing you feel from it is shooting pain straight up into your groin that spreads out to your hips! "ARGHHH!!!!" You sag to the ground and curl up into a fetal position and kick as your hips pop and crack painfully and loudly, and at the same time it feels like some one is cutting your taint and cock down the center. Thankfully it doesn't last long, and the first thing you do is check your cock... it looks fine, even though it hurt like hell a second ago... No, what feels different is your hips and crotch, you feel something down between your legs and get back up to look at yourself in the mirror.
It's quickly apparent where all the damn pain came from, someone not familiar with your body might not notice, but you see right away that you legs are a bit farther apart, and a quick look at your backside shows it's a bit bigger, though it's still toned like the rest of your body. Of course that not what you notice at first... the pussy has definitely bonded with you, as you can see it's taken on your skin tone, and it's sitting right where it would on a woman... but unlike a woman your pubes haven't moved down, that smooth spot where your cock attaches is still there. Speaking of which, it's still stuck to your chest, with no little amount of trepidation you pop it lose and press it back to your crotch... and let out a big sigh of relief when it stays.
Still looking at the mirror you find you kinda like the new look, Your upper body is still the same, IE no boobies, and your cock covers up your new camel toe so long as it's attached... from the front at least. You need too grab a hand mirror, one that your girl friend left here, but when you finally get a really good look at your backside you can see your new pussy from behind clearly... oh well, that's not an actually problem if the thing comes off, and considering how it was set up to begin with... Yes! You can get it off... though it takes a few tries to figure it out.
It's definitely not like your cock, you have to peel the thing off... and you find this out the hard way, turns out neither set of labia likes being yanked on! Who woulda thunk it? Certainly not you, you grumble and call yourself an idiot as you rub the pain out of your poor new female bits... at least you were smart enough not to try that with your new clitourus. But you figure it out eventually, your able to get part of it to come loose with your finger nails, and once you've got a flap free, it's a simple matter of peeling the thing off like a piece of tape... it even kinda sounds and feels like one as it comes off! After putting it back on and practicing a bit more, your a champ at removing your new piece of autonomous anatomy.
With that down you check the spot where it attaches to you, like your dick there's a new smooth slab there left behind with it off... but as you poke and prod it your unnerved to find that the center of it sinks in, right where your new vag's hole should be. It's doesn't surprise you that, that's there, it makes sense after all... but you know for a fact that your cock is supposed to have it's internals go straight through that spot. A bit more feeling around and you find out what happened, turns out you were feeling your dick being split down the middle, just not the outside part of it. You can feel the spot where it detaches, and inside and little past that the thing splits down the center, along with your urethra, the two halves travel back, giving room to your new female bits, and somewhere in there the urethra heads on in. You find it when you poke around your new vagina, it heads up a little ways past where you find the spot you piss out your vag... if you had to guess, you'd say it hooks up some where in there.
You scratch your head as you wonder how this all works, do you choose which one you piss out of, or do both go at once? Well you not going to get your answer now, you've gone too recently. You put your vag back and go to get your pants and undies back on, but realize you forgot the second cock... do you really want to add that to your weirdness down there? You think about it, and sigh... yes, yes you do, so you let your pants and boxers fall once more and step out of them, and relocate your cock back to your chest.
You shake your head, if it wasn't for the fact you'd get a second cock out of this you wouldn't do it... if the penis is anything like your new vag it's going to hurt to bond it to your body... but still, second penis... you can't pass that up. You grab it off the counter and reach down to grab your clothes, your doing this one on your bed so you have room to thrash around... you just know this is going to hurt like hell as well. Once inside your bed room you toss your pants and boxers and lay back on your bed. With your head propped up by your pillow you press the other member to your crotch, and like the pussy it attaches to you. For a second you think this will be painless, the member takes on your skin tone at first and feeling rushes into it... but then you feel something squirming in your crotch and pain comes with it... but unlike the pussy it's not content to stay confined to your nether regions!
You gasp as a bolt of heat travels up your spine and into your chest, each of the muscles of your upper body becomes unbearably hot as energy floods into them, and at the same time your rib cage hurts and a white hot point of pain settles across from your heart as it thunders. Thankfully like before this transformation is over fast, in about a span of thirty seconds your upper and lower body becomes larger, more defined with stronger larger muscles, as well as a somewhat puffed out, larger crotch. The reason for these changes is quickly evident, as you come around you see both of your cocks are now standing at attention, neither grew... but you've got a lot of meat between them, and to get full boners from both, your body had some upsizing to do... including a second heart.
You don't recognize it for what it is at first, you feel your heart beating hard, but a slow pace, as something echoes it on the other side of your body. It's not until you put your hand over the right side of your chest and feel it do you realize what it is. A quick check to your pulse shows that it's the same as it was before, just now you have a pair of hearts sharing their load. "Well, that's new." You get up and walk back to the bathroom to check yourself out in the mirror, and you can't keep a goofy grin from spreading across your face. Yep, your ripped now, you were fit before... but now you've got some serious muscles going on... though not to the extreme point of a professional body builder.
Like you noticed in your room, your crotch has gotten a bit bigger, though the reason for that is quickly apparent, you now have plenty of room down there to attach both dicks (which you do)... and maybe enough for a third or forth if they are not too big. Speaking of dicks, your new one is longer than your original, but not as thick... and both still have their foreskin. Your second set of testis is about the same as your first... and honestly you kinda wish they weren't there. If they weren't you could put your new cock on top of your first. If your girlfriend doesn't freak when she sees the new you, you could probably do both holes at once... but no, your second set of balls would be all weird. You absentmindedly tug on them, wishing they would come off... and you get your wish!
Your face goes slack as you give the pair a moderate tug, and your hand jerks away with your new balls as you hear a rip. You slap your other hand over your mouth and hold your balls up... there's no blood, and right where they would attach there's a soft half ring of smooth flesh. You cock your head and stare at them, then fondle they in your hand... they feel it, and a gentle squeeze confirms that yes, they're still sensitive. So your balls detach from your new member... you pop it off and look at it, there's a matching smooth spot at the underside of it's base where they should attach... and pairing the two back up restores your newest member... does this work with your original as well?
You put your second cock back on your crotch, and grab your first set of nards, and tug while ordering them to detach. They do, and this time you realize the rip is the same sound your pussy makes when you pull it off. Like your second cock they both have the same set of smooth spots. This begs the question: your sacks, do they work the same way as your other genitals and can attach to other stuff too? (You haven't played with your pussy or new cock to see if they can attach to other places on your body and inanimate objects as well... but yeah, they do.) indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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