Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1823934-Show-Time-Body-Swap-Please-Add
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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Occult · #1823934
One of the dancers in the big show has gone missing, You have to take her place.

One of the dancers in the big show has gone missing, You have to take her place.

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The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:

You are Sam Nicholson, a 21 year old drama student. You were recently involved with your university's show choir but dropped out when it became too much work. You get a call from the director of the show choir on the night of their big show begging you to meet her back stage. Apparently Lydia, the star of the show has turned I'll and they need someone to fill in for her. Sara, a member of the show choir has a power passed down from her family which gives her the ability to perform limited magic. Sara switches yours and Lydia's body for the night so Lydia can shine in your body whilst you wait at home, sick. The only problem is switching back seems to be a bit difficult.

Sam: you, a smart, goofy young adult who is always willing to help out his friends.
Lydia: a 19 year old girly girl who dreams of being a ballerina.
Anna: director of the show choir and your ex girlfriend.
Sara: odd but friendly witch girl
Brian: Lydia's boyfriend, bit of a dunce.
Olivia: your girlfriend
Terry: your best friend and Male lead in the show choir.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1823934-Show-Time-Body-Swap-Please-Add