"Good morning mom," you hear Rebbeca's voice as your eyes slowly start to flutter open. Something about her voice sounded.... odd. It was... perkier. More youthful than you'd heard her before. "You're probably really thirsty," she said as she walked into view with a cup of water. "Here, just sip for a bit," she said, bending over to place a straw between your lips. "Then you can ask questions. I'm sure you have, like, dozens of them," she added flipping her hair over her shoulder.
Leaning back into the hospital bed, you couldn't agree more with that last statement. The Rebecca you'd married seemed to have vanished, replaced by a young girl who was something different entirely, even if she did have something of a resemblance to your wife. Your wife had become much younger, looking like a girl between fifteen and seventeen with a jail bait figure that strained at her private school uniform. She'd left the top several buttons of her blouse undone to display an impressive valley of teenaged cleavage, framed neatly by long tresses of dark red hair. Her eyes were the same hazel that they'd always been but her skin was much paler and dusted with a light scattering of freckles. When she moved, her shirt rode up enough for you to catch a glimpse of a belly button ring peeking out from the middle of her slim waist.
"Rebecca?" you asked, wanting to make sure it really was your wife. You had meant to follow that up with "Is that really you?" but the sound of your own soft voice caught you off guard and she responded, full of energy and enthusiasm before you could get out any more.
"Totes, but it's Becky now. Or Bee. They totally did a number on me didn't they?" she said, turning in place to show off her altered figure. You had a hard time being certain, but it looked like she wasn't only slimmer and bustier than she'd been before, but she was also taller! "I'm total jail bait."
"But why did they change you so much?" you asked, listening carefully to your soft voice. Is that really what I sound like now? you wondered.
"They said they wanted to make sure there was a strong family resemblance," she said. "You know, so I look like I really am my 'mother's daughter.' But even with all the work they did on me, it wasn't as much as they did on you so I've been up and about since, like, Tuesday."
"So, I look like you?" you said, starting to shift in bed and becoming aware of the strange sensations of your body for the first time since you woke up. As you moved, long, dark red hair fell into your field of view. Down further, past the red hair, all you could see was the large swell of blankets over your chest which felt much weightier than you remembered. Pulling an arm out from under the blankets you marveled at how lender and pale it was, with long, delicate fingers tipped with french tipped nails. On your ring finger, a large diamond engagement ring sat next to a delicate wedding band. "And... I'm married?"
"Totally," Becky said, reaching out to hold your hand. "Well, you look a lot like me I guess. I'm not as busty as you are or anything, they only made me a 30D, but they tell me I've got plenty of growing left to do. I mean, I'm only sixteen now so maybe by the time I go to college again I'll be able to fill out your cups. And yeah, you're totally married too," she carried on as though the things she was saying were the most natural things in the world. "You're not going to believe our house. We got way lucky. Dad's seriously loaded, and we live in the most amazing neighborhood..."
"Wait, wait," you say, trying to keep up. "No one said anything about me being married, just that I would be your mother..."
"Well, yeah," Becky said, blinking a bit. "I, um... I guess I didn't think about that either. They told me I would get to be a teenager again so I kind of assumed I'd get two parents. But Dad's awesome, he's part of the experiment too. He just got into Town a bit before we did. You'll get to meet him tonight when he gets home from work. He said he'd be late tonight and not to wait on dinner for him, but it'll give us time to start some mother / daughter bonding. Isn't this cool?" she asked.