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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1708626
Omen Dranic, a young ten year olds life is changed forever when one night he is attacked.

Omen Dranic, a young ten year olds life is changed forever when one night he is attacked.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Omen Dranic, a young ten year olds life is changed forever when one night he is attacked by two creatures that have been hunting him since the day he was born. Omen, who is two in one and knows nothing of his past or what he is. Since Omen was young all he saw in his dreams were horrors of the darkest sort the type that made him wake screaming and ready to fight, ready to kill. He didn't know himself Omen didn't know his own secrets,didn't know he was hunted, and he didn't know he was a spliced or that the world of horrible and wonderful fantasy and science he saw ever time he closed his eyes was real. But on this night starts his journey to find himself. What he truly is and what he is to become for to save not just himself but all of blice the world that overlaps earth the world veiled to the human eye.

ground rules

1. no time jumps he is ten he has a life make it grow and unfold.
2. he is a hybrid werewolf, vampire, and liche (though the only things such as his slightly pointed ear's, his strange appetite, or his strangest thing and unknown to him his complete lack of a heart beat that give away that he isn't fully human.)
3. Blice is a fantasy and scifi wonderland and nightmare if you can think of it good or evil it has probably happened and been disguised as a natural or wartime disaster. Such as when a thundergod got pissed off at his brother and destroyed half of japan they said it was a bomb.
4. no sex.
5. there is only one spliced (spliced are demi-god level in power when fully mature at 18.)
6. monsters, demons, golems, weres, kitsunes, and creatures of scifi and fantasy if you can think of it exists in blice. ( But please be reasonable nothing like a dragon living in a city park. A golem as an art statue in a museum, a vampire as a nighttime tollbooth operator, or a flesh golem pretending to be a hospital patient is all ok and other similar things.)
7. stick to the plot and the plot is that he is searching for his past and at the same time find his future.
8. yes omen can change to a were form it looks like a pitch black human shape that sucks in light and leave all who see it knowing what they face is not fully mortal. ( Omen's were form is extremely powerful and very dangerous to both his opponent and himself Omen's were form need's three unique artifacts called the dur' o' deem toot or jewels of blood ashes that have been hidden away and an amulet he has had for as long as he remembers. it is called the furs' o' hi' duuth or necklace of the dead.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1708626-Spliced-DARK