Chapter #1Becky, Missie and Cassandra discover the machine by: Marknew  Becky, Missie and Cassandra, and their boyfriends, Rob, Louis and Alexander, were in Video Heaven at the South Field Mall, playing Rob's favorite game, Ultra Fighter. The boys were all expert players, having mastered the Xbox version long ago. The girls played just to keep the boys entertained. And how they were entertained!
"Louis, I beat Becky in 43 seconds!" Rob said.
"That's nothing, I knocked Missie out in 37!" Louis bragged.
"How are we supposed to get any better if you end the game so fast?" Cassandra complained. She folded her arms around her well-endowed bosom, forcing it out of her skimpy green top, and stamped her feet.
"You can start by picking better characters," Alexander explained to her. "Like Adam X, or Zor the Slasher. Not Betty Bosom or Sally Slut. They look good and all but they can't fight."
"I like Missy Muscles!" Missie piped up, clapping her hands and making her small breasts and her thin, soft arms jiggle. Missie was wearing a black tube top and no bra, leaving a lot of space to show off her bejewelled navel above her green shorts. "She has my name."
"She's actually not that bad a fighter, if you know how to use her skills," Louis admitted. "Although no girl could have muscles like she does."
“Yeah, and none of you guys will ever have muscles like Zor the Slasher either,” Becky countered. Becky wore a small, green, elastic gymnast top. .
"I have a muscle," Cassandra said, flexing her right biceps. A firm, surprising bump appeared on her upper arm, which she showed off by pushing back her short sleeves. Unlike the others, she wore a loose-fitting blouse but the generous size of her breasts still created tempting openings between the buttons.
Alexander felt Cassandra's bicep and resisted the strong temptation to squash it down He said, smiling, "Oh yeah! My great big amazon girlfriend!"
“Shut up, Alex,” Cassandra said quickly, but not angrily. She knew how he felt about her. “You know it’s pretty good for a girl!”
“Yeah,” Louis said. Then, on cue with Rob, “For a girl!” they added, laughing and wiggling their hips.
“Your friends are so immature!” Cassandra said to Alexander. “C’mon, girls. This is a mall. We should be shopping.”
“Did you see that cute top at Bargain or Bust?” Becky asked. Missie and Cassandra nodded. “Do you think it would fit me?”
“The green one with the pint, heart shaped buttons and the pink heart on each breast?” Missie said. Becky nodded.
“It might,” Cassandra answered. “You’re small enough. I could never wear it.”
“Don’t YOU complain about being too busty! I’d die for a figure like yours!” Becky said. She turned to Rob, whose attention was, not unusually, drawn to Cassandra’s chest. “And don’t you DARE say anything!”
“Hey, I’m just looking! What do you expect? With you girls talking about Cassie’s boobs, I just HAD to check ‘em out myself!”
“Yeah, give the guy a break,” Louis added as he looked as well until Missie firmly hooked her arm in his and pulled him around so he was facing her. “He’s only human.”
“Ooooooh! GUYS are SO disgusting!” Missie and Becky said, their voices rising in volume and tone. “Are we going?”
“I’m already gone,” Cassandra said.
Missie walked away from Louis. "What about you? Don't you want to see us model our new tops?"
"We'll see you later, after another game." Louis said.
The girls looked skywards and then walked to Bargain or Bust, which was at the other end of the mall from Video Heaven. They were inside for over an hour, with no sign of their boyfriends. After several purchases, they decided to try to find them.
"They're either still in the game room or in the food court," Missie said.
Oh look!” Becky said, pointing, when they were halfway back to Video Heaven. “What’s that?”
In the middle of the walkway was a huge green enamelled chamber that resembled an old fashioned boiler more then anything else. But it looked brand new, and the shiny paint on its surface dazzlingly reflected the mall’s overhead lights. Next to the machine was a poster showing a well-muscled strongman and below the poster were a series of dumbbells, the largest with a 100 kg disk on each end. Two attractive girls looked up admiringly at the strongman.
“What is it?” Missie said. “That thing wasn’t there when we walked by here before!”
“I don’t know,” said Becky, “Let's find out!”
The three teenage girls approached the contraption. A man next to it wore a loud plaid suit that was a little big for him. The sign attached to the device said:
On a placard next to the door by which the man stood was another sign. This one said:
"Grand Opening! Free Trials!" in large letters and "Offer may be withdrawn at any time. Satisfaction not guaranteed" in MUCH smaller print.
“Hmmm, they’re all dressed perfectly for the job!” he said to himself and then, more loudly, “Good afternoon, girls.” the man said as they approached. He was a skinny guy in his mid thirties, with a pockmarked complexion, about five feet, seven inches tall, so he was five inches taller then Becky, who was the shortest of the three sixteen year olds.
They stopped a short distance away, staring at him and the big boiler thing.
“Care for a free trial, young ladies?” he asked, unperturbed by their frank stares. “Your clothes are the perfect color for the Big Mean Green Muscle Machine!”
Becky moved a little closer to the machine and touched its side.
“What is this thing?” she asked.
“Why, it’s the most marvelous invention since the abdominizer!” said the man. “An invention that will revolutionize the entire workout-and-exercise business by standing it on its ear and then toppling it over! And you, my dear young lady, may just have the undisputed privilege of being the first one ever to use it!”
“M-me?” Becky stammered. “I don't know very much about exercising. I don’t even know what it does!”
“Why, it tones, it shapes, it builds and most of all, it STRENGTHENS!” the salesman said. “And all this in only a few short moments, without any effort and best of all, for a price that is not to be believed! In fact, the price for you today is SO small that it is ... non-existent.”
“Non-existent? You mean, free? But why give it away if your machine's so great?” Becky said, suspiciously.
“Because WE NEED ADVERTISING!” the man said. “And the best advertising, not to mention the cheapest, is by word of mouth! We are confident you and your friends will be so astounded by the results you attain that you will tell all of your friends about us!”
“Go ahead, Becky, try it!” Missie urged. “You’re always saying you're too skinny!”
“Yeah!” Cassandra said, giggling. “Go for it, girl! You could use a bit of strength. Give Rob a little surprise!”
“Will it hurt?” Becky asked.
"It won't hurt you in the slightest!"
"Will I get all sweaty?"
"You'll be fresher when you came out then when you went in!"
"Will it make me tired?"
“On the contrary! It will suffuse you with energy and well-being far beyond your expectations!” the man assured her.
"Is it safe?"
"Absolutely! I'd put my own mother in it, even my own sister!"
"Have you used it?" Cassandra interjected.
"No! Do I look like I did?"
The three girls looked at the salesman's unimpressive build.
"No! they all said at once.
"Well, why not?" Cassandra continued.
"Because I'm a salesman, not a guinea -- I mean, not a giant!" he replied. "Look are you interested? Time's running out!"
Becky hesitated and then nodded. “Well ... ok. What do I have to do?”
The man opened the door and motioned Becky forward. “Simply step inside, and then wait until I open the door again. The whole procedure will be over before you know it!”
Becky stood in front of the open door and peered into the chamber. It was all silvery, she could see her reflection in the curving walls and ceiling. Otherwise, the chamber was bare save for a few bumps running along the walls where they met the ceiling.
“Don’t be a chicken.” Missie said. “Get in there! We'll be right outside waiting.”
Becky hated being called a chicken, because her brother always told her she had skinny chicken legs. "Ok. But only if my friends go next!"
"Now that, little lady, is a DEAL!" the salesman said enthusiastically.
Becky took a deep breath, and went inside.
“Just a few moments and your whole life with change!” the man said, smiling and closing the door.
Missie and Cassandra moved closer to watch the man press a big yellow button next to the door and pull a lever down. The machine started humming.
“How long will ...?” Cassandra started to say, but was interrupted by a loud ding, like a large oven timer going off.
“Done!” the man said, opening the door with a flourish. “You may come out now, little girl.”
Becky stepped from the machine.
Missie and Cassandra gasped.
“Huh?” Becky said, stopping beside the man and looking down at his head. “Hey!” she said, "did you step in a hole or something?”
Smiling, he shook his head.
“Becky, you are soooo buff, girl!” Cassandra said.
“Huh? No I'm not,” Becky said, confused. "It's you guys who shrunk! You're, like, tiny!""
“Oh yeah? Why don't you look at yourself?” Missie chimed in. "You've got some new assets! You're a real babe!"
"A real buff babe!" Cassandra chimed in.
“What are you two talking about?” Becky said, putting her hands on her hips. "I'm not ... holy cow!” Becky said, looking down at her body. She raised her right fist, which she had unconsciously clenched, the result being a bulging bicep where only moments before had been a thin girl’s soft, muscle-free upper arm. Her top, which had previously fit tightly across her thin frame, had expanded too, and now fit very tightly across her muscular shoulders and newly endowed chest. The pink hearts on her new blouse, which she wore open over her green top, also had changed their appearance to appear three dimensional rather than flat, and appeared to beat whenever she moved. "Hey, I got real boobs too!"
"You sure do. Hey, I'd say you put Missy Muscles' bod to shame!" Cassandra said.
"Not for long!" Missie said, scrambling inside. Let 'er rip!" she said, as the man closed the door and started the sequence. Soon there was another loud ding and Missie emerged. She was three inches taller than Becky and even more muscular, with eight-pack muscles on her torso, biceps that bulged even without flexing and a tube top that revealed more breast flesh above and below the reinforced but still overmatched strip of fabric than it concealed.
"Missie, look at you!" Becky squealed. "You're like Supergirl!"
"Not bad!" Cassandra said, putting one leg inside the machine.
"I'm the REAL Missy Muscles now!" she said. "But what will Louis say?" she added, a concerned look appearing on her face.
"Hold that thought!" Cassandra replied. "First, I need to change my life. Are you ready, Mister?" she asked.
"As ready as you are!" he replied smartly.
"But Cassie, wait! If I'm this big, and Missie's even bigger, what'll happen to you?" Becky said in alarm.
"Yes, what will Alex say?" Missie added.
"I can't WAIT to find out!" Cassandra replied as the salesman shut the door. Moments later the ding sounded loudly and the door popped open. The girls waited anxiously, but no one came out.
"Cassie?" Missie said.
"Cassie, are you ok? CASSIE!" Becky said.
A long, thick muscular arm popped out of the door, followed by a long, thick muscular leg. Then a large head, bent to fit below the door frame and then, turned sideways, a bust so well-developed that she had to twist her body and ease out the door slowly to fit through.
"Heh, heh, heh," Cassandra boomed, straightening up to her new, 7 foot, seven inch height. Her blouse had expanded too, but had failed to completely match her growth and now fit snugly around her massive bust, while the loose long sleeves had changed into elastic short sleeves that seemed molded around her enormous biceps. She raised her right arm, flexed and looked happily at the mountain of muscle that quickly rose up.
"You're going to rip your shirt, Cassie!" Becky cautioned.
"I may, if I really try!" Cassandra replied.
"How come she got so big?!" Missie asked the man.
"I don't know! I'm a salesman, not a scientist!" he replied, quickly typing into his computer. "OK girls, I got work to do. You can run along now and do, er, do whatever girls do, like talk to your friends about The Big Mean Green Muscle Machine, right?" | Members who added to this interactive story also contributed to these: |