Chapter #1A feminist perspective on modern biology. by: throku  First lecture.
The rustle settled as everyone found their seats and as the professor’s heals loudly announced her arrival, the clicking noise silenced the storm of chit-chat that had filled the lecture-hall since the students entered and as the professor came to a halt the room fell completely silent.
“Greetings dear students!” Blainey announced in a pleasant yet commanding voice that had no trouble of reaching even the ones in the far back even though there were somewhere around two hundred female students in the room. “I’m Kelly Blainey, professor in Vore, which is what this class is all about. What exactly that is probably has eluded most of you, but it’ll be made clear soon enough and you’ll no doubt thank whoever suggested you take this class.”
The professor motioned towards three young ladies that stood lined up by the wall next to the chalkboards in front of the class. “To my aid I have these three talented women, who have taken this class earlier and are here to help you. Please introduce yourselves.”
“I’m Jessica Wilborough and I took this class two years ago.” Said the fist girl of the three, who happened to be a fairly tall and busty blonde in rather tight clothes.
“And I’m Stacey Taylor and took this class last year.” Said the svelte redhead standing next to Jessica, who was of more average height.
“And I’m Julianne Defoe and I too took this class last year.” Said the last girl, who was a little black haired cutie.
“Alright class, I’m not sure what you’ve been told, but I’m fairly certain that most of you have little clue as of what this class is all about so we’ll start with the basics.” The professor continued.
“Vore. Doesn’t say much does it? Well the fundamentals is that the human female body is capable of quite a few feats that has for some reason been forgotten or perhaps not even discovered until fairly recently, probably because most research has ever been done by men and with male subjects. Vore could thus possibly be summarised as the study of these strange biological features that separate many of us from men. I say many because there are quite a few women that don’t have these biological traits either and as cruel as it may sound not all who have them possess…”
Those that were seated close enough thought the professor looked almost smug as she finished. “Let’s say: the same talent for them.”
“Ok! There’s plenty of theory to divulge in later but to give a solid example which actually also happens to be a very good place to start, I want you all to take a spoon as the TA’s hand them out.” Which cued the three ladies to start doing so and soon enough boxes with spoons were travelling between the rows of students who ‘armed’ themselves before passing the boxes along.
“You’ve no doubt heard of countless ladies claiming to have no gag reflexes at all and I’m not talking about women devoid of humour, those are a dime a dozen as well but are not necessarily the same. No I’m talking about the lack of gag reflex that seems to get nigh every boy’s attention.” The professor paused as she saw that she did indeed have every girl’s attention.
“It is this reflex that we’ll start with teaching you to overcome.” As she said that she could almost feel the heat in the room go up a couple of degrees as more than a couple of girls blushed.
“Please ready your spoons and look to the Teacher Assistant closest to you for how to do, those of you up front and those who for some reason can’t get a clear view of a TA please look my way and hopefully you can see how I’m doing it. So first we four will give you a demonstration and after that we’ll walk around and give you pointers on how to succeed.” Blainey said.
First though she drew a simple picture on one of the chalkboards of the mouth and throat and how to insert the spoon. Giving the theory behind it, but theory and practice are two different things, which was why she and the TA’s then demonstrated how it’s supposed to be done and then offered their aid in making the young students succeed in getting the spoons into their throats.
Not surprising was the cacophony of gagging that followed, though only one or two girls managed to throw anything up. And after a while the disturbing sounds lessened especially after the first few girls got the hang of it and in turn could help their friends.
After a while many had succeeded to some extent and most had made very good progress.
“Class remember that you’re not using a technique to avoid gagging, you’re using a technique to teach your body that gagging is unnecessary. Hence it is essential that you practice this until next time, because we can’t really continue with what I have planned if you don’t, so for those who doesn’t manage this by the next class will be stuck with theory alone and a little practical application is just so much more fun.” With that the professor dismissed the class.
She could tell by the buzz as the students left that it had gone well, so smiling she thanked her TAs and went back to her office. New semesters always mean a lot of useless paperwork.
Though with a bit of luck she hoped that in the future she’d be able haul some of it over on the new professor.
She’d been in touch with a professor Hawthorn whom she’d met several times before and they had agreed that it would be beneficial to both their work if Hawthorn relocated her team and research to this University. In fact some of that research was already up and running, though not all if it just yet. The professor is still overlooking the last dismantling of her old lab and won’t arrive until that’s done, meaning in fact quite a bit of extra paperwork for Blainey.
While the time might not pass too quickly for the professor things are quite different for most of the students, in fact for some a couple of days pass before they ‘have time’ to practice and it is time for the second lecture.
The second lecture.
The professor had argued with herself and decided that she would make a gamble, why not show the girls what the class really is about? Quite a few of them had seemed to know already and seemed eager for her to get to the good parts and it’d only be fair to everyone if they all knew what to strive for, now wouldn’t it?
With that in mind she decided to ditch the business suit for something more casual, yet more revealing. Opting for a pair of jeans and a tight yet stretchy shirt, that’d be useful in showing off her abdomen and a look in the mirror confirmed that she kept herself in good enough shape to be allowed to wear such clothes.
Last time the students had been so well behaved, but now when she’ll throw a little madness into it Blainey gets that uncertain feeling again, but she just smiles to her own mirror image and convinces herself that it’s uncertain in a good way, before picking up her material and walking off to the classroom.
There is something odd with the class, everyone is in time to it, well in time and as the Professor arrives the class falls quiet and wait for her to begin. This is very odd indeed, even more so considering that the class consists of only women. Still it reassures the professor, they are ready for a little madness.
Giving the students a warm and honest smile the professor greets them. Some of the student’s are a bit surprised about the professor’s appearance. Last time she wore strict clothing, but today she wears more casual clothes, but she still appear at least as intimidating as she did last time.
The professor is wearing a pair of blue skin hugging jeans, rather low cut such, and a rather tight blue-purple top that matches. The ensemble leaves her lower tummy and bellybutton bare, showing the students that she’s in fact in good shape and well curved too. She actually looks very good for a lady in her late thirties.
“I’m pleased to see that you’re all eager to start and are sitting comfortably in your seats, which makes it a little sad that I have to ask you to rearrange. But I think it’s for the best if we pair up right away. I want you all to look around you and find someone close to your own size and pair up. Don’t worry this is a great opportunity to make new friends who ever you pair up with will be your new practice partner and I assure you that the two of you will have some great fun together.”
As she spoke a bit of rustling had emerged as girls turned in their seats to see who was sitting nearby, some were clearly not into the whole ‘making new friends’ mood at the moment while others were.
“Ok! Please pair up, will you? The sooner you do the sooner we can start.”
With that the girls started changing places in a rather noisy fashion, everyone asking each other questions, even though the ones asking why they had to pair up with someone their own size never got a good answer. Still most did pair up as they had been told and the TAs only had to separate a few pairs where good friends had paired up despite of large size differences.
A couple of girls looked a bit lost specifically two, so the professor called for the TAs to lead them to the front of the class.
“Sorry to interrupt ladies!” Blainey called out and managed to calm the room down somewhat. “But these two need help in finding a partner, I guess I don’t have to explain why.” She said as she motioned to the two girls standing next to her.
“Do we have anyone who’ll be Gia’s partner here?” She asked the crowd motioning for the extremely short girl next to her.
Gia just barely topped four foot and despite generous curves, even by Latino standards, at least by proportion she had wide hips with a big behind held up thick toned legs and a surprisingly large chest on each side of a fairly slender waist. Despite this there was no denying that she remained a very small woman, a fact not less accentuated by the girl standing next to her.
“And do we have a partner for Beatrice here?” Blainey asked as she looked up at the girl in question.
Whereas Gia had trouble finding someone as small as herself Beatrice had exactly the opposite problem, in flats and with the rather tall professor in shoes with a bit of heal she still stood a full head over the professor, unfortunately she wasn’t lanky either. Not that she was fat, in fact she seemed in pretty good shape which probably was the reason as to why she was rather thickly built. Stacey the TA who had escorted her down looked downright scared of the auburn Amazon.
It didn’t take too long before Gia was called up to a girl who matched her size well enough, Beatrice had more trouble and only with the help of the TAs found a slightly reluctant girl who were only a few inches shorter and a little on the soft side, even so the girl still weighed less than Beatrice.
Shortly after that everyone had found a practice partner and a seat. So as the noise level settled the professor silenced the last few conversations with a gesture and addressed the class again.
“Today we will demonstrate a few things. I know you’ll be better motivated to study if you see there is progress to make. Once you have managed to repress your gag reflex at some point your body will find it unnecessary and you won’t have a problem with gagging any more. Don’t worry this usually happens in the first couple of weeks. Remember practice makes perfect, so the more you practice the faster it will go away.”
“Today we’ll show you what’s possible if you don’t have a gag reflex.” Again she could tell quite a few girls were blushing. “Ahh yes, I can tell some of you are have a few naughty thoughts.” Something that didn’t make the girls blush any less.
“Though with the deepthroat I had in mind your boyfriend would be begging to be let out.” That caused most of the blushing girls and a few others to take on a more stupefied than embarrassed look. “Yes this is biology from a feminist point of view is it not?” the professor chuckled.
A murmur arose amongst the students but the professor seemed to ignore it.
“Well when you have managed to overcome your gag reflex then there is still the problem with getting a large object down your throat. Everything is easier if you get help that is why we have paired you up two and two. So that one can help the other and comment on her progress, tell her what she is doing wrong and assisting. Eventually you’ll be able to swallow large enough objects to practice on each other. Don’t worry if your companion gets to this point before you do, who better to tell you what to do than someone who just crossed over the last barrier?”
Several students conversations got noticeably louder and surprised, Blainey just raised her voice some and with the TA’s gesturing the students fell somewhat silent again as the professor continued.
“Never hesitate to ask the TAs for help, they are more than willing, they are here to help. But you might have to be ready that they might prefer giving you a physical example, rather than just telling you what to do. Once you manage to swallow people you’ll understand them, it really is a special thing.”
The professor had to pause as the students tried to come to grasp with what she had just said and the TAs tried to quiet them again.
“Which brings me to the point of extra clothing. It really is necessary for you to bring an extra set of clothes to the class. Even though it might take several weeks before you are swallowed by your companion, someone else might show you what it is like long before that, and I like to pick my “volunteers” at random, so that it is fair to everyone.”
“Now I hear that many of you are a bit confused so why don’t we just show you. Stacey would you come over here?“
The redheaded TA made her way to the professor looking like she expected Blainey to eat her as soon as she got there. When that didn’t happen she sighed a visibly.
“You there what’s your name?” Professor Blainey pointed at a cute brunette in the front row.
“Kristin.” Came the answer from a smooth and pleasurable voice.
“Would you be so kind and come up here and stand next to Miss Taylor?”
The young woman put her pen and paper to the side and made her way to the TA. She was an average sized girl, she still had that layer of fat on her face that most people loose when they reach twenty, making her look cute. A lean body, sort of soft and nicely curved equipped with a perky set of breasts and a full round bottom that swayed seductively as she walked.
Kristin stopped next to the TA and gave the professor a confused look. She was about a couple centimeters taller than Stacey at one hundred and seventy and probably nearly ten kilos heavier with her sixty-six kilos.
“Miss Taylor is going to show you a couple of skills that comes in handy when swallowing large things, especially if they are unwilling.” The professor said and turned towards Stacey and Kristin.
“Now Stacey would you please take Kristin’s hand in your mouth?”
Kristin looked a little scared but offered Stacey her hand, who took it and plunged it down her throat, stopping at Kristin’s elbow. Kristin’s lower arm made Stacey’s throat bulge and the professor resumed speaking.
“Now as you can see Miss Taylor has no trouble breathing as she has learned to breathe with items in her throat. This skill is essential, since swallowing most large things take time and the first times it can take a very long time.”
“Now with a large meal in your stomach you’ll be pretty eye catching and it is cumbersome to get around. Should you just swallow a person, it isn’t even sure that you’ll fit through the door. This is why Stacey is going to show us that you can squeeze your meal tight and it will take up less space, this is something that not only comes with practice but also develops with your body as it learns to handle large meals. It is also a matter of technique.”
“As you see Miss Taylor’s throat is bulging and looking rather deformed, please show us what you can do about that Stacey.”
“Whoa! It’s so tight!” Kristin yelped as Stacey’s throat almost returned to normal, even though Kristin’s arm was still in it.
“Kristin is right, it is tight, something that is useful when keeping struggling meals in place. It is a very effective measure to prevent your meals from escaping. Stacey would you please swallow Kristin?”
Kristin said something, but it was muffled as her head quickly disappeared down Stacey’s throat. Stacey held Kristin’s remaining arm to her side and continued to gobble up the young beauty. When she reached Kristin’s waist she lifted the girl off the ground so that Kristin’s legs pointed at the ceiling. Assisted by gravity Stacey had no problem finishing Kristin off.
“Very well done Stacey. Now students take a look at Miss Taylor’s abdomen.”
Stacey pulled up her shirt and showed of her tight bulging tummy. It was large, but not a full grown person in there kind of large, she looked several months pregnant, but not more than that.
“Now Miss Taylor is rather good at this, you should be happy if you can get away with looking nine months pregnant when you have practiced this as much as she has. As you understand it is a very useful skill, people don’t notice a pregnant woman but if someone looked twelve months pregnant with triplets, then they would soon be on the front page of the local newspaper.”
“Well keeping people in you belly brings us to another skill you have to learn before I can let you swallow each other, namely swallowing air. The person in your belly needs air so you have to swallow some every now and then, and it is equally important that you burp out the old air in there. The person in your stomach doesn’t just need oxygen, he or she, also can’t tolerate too high concentrations of carbon dioxide. If the carbon dioxide levels gets too high the oxygen atoms won’t be able to bond to the hem-groups in the blood and the person in your stomach will slowly suffocate, regardless of how much oxygen you give them.”
“Any questions?”
A few hands came into the air and the professor pointed at a curly redhead with a palette of freckles adorning her nose and cheeks.
“Yes you said that we probably wouldn’t get as good as Stacey at hiding our meals during this class, but not that we couldn’t become as good or even better as we continued practicing after this course. So my question is how small a bulge can a full grown person become?”
A sly grin spread across the professor’s face as she turned to Stacey. “Well I guess I could show you.”
Stacey only managed a short yelp before she disappeared down the professor’s throat. The professor used her skills so Stacey hardly showed as she travelled down the professor’s gullet. When she settled into Blainey’s stomach a few seconds later there was no bulge at all in the professor’s stomach to tell of her presence.
“So does that answer your question?” Professor Blainey said as she gently rubbed her stomach.
“I now have two full grown people in here and there is no bulge at all.”
A mumbling “Cool” spread across the classroom.
“I agree with most in here, that is cool, and yes it was the answer I was looking for.” Said the now smiling redhead as she stared at the professor in shock and disbelief.
“Any more questions?” Blainey asked the class.
Again several hands appeared and the professor motioned for a little girl with short hair dyed in some sort of purple and piercings in both her ears and nose. Regardless of the style, which usually comes with an attitude problem, she looked like a really sweet girl.
“Well first the TA ate Kristin and now you ate the TA, meaning that both of them are in your digestive tract. You haven’t said anything about digestion?!”
“Oh they are fine in there.” The professor said patting her belly.
“There are a few things you can do. The first one being doing nothing, and thus leaving your stomach to do what it is designed to do. When you can hide your meal sufficiently, that is usually a good option, since you don’t have to worry about anything.”
“Secondly you can try and prevent digestion. That is slowing it down. If you are as good as me or a few of the girls in my research team, then you can completely stop the digestion process. Something that might be good should you want to keep a friend in your stomach.”
She once again stroked the surface of her belly.
“This is what I’ve done now, so I could keep Miss Taylor in here as long as I wanted without hurting her. However I don’t think she can stop her digestion tract, so sooner or later she would end up digesting Kristin.”
The professor gave the students a look of mixed emotions.
“I guess I should let them out soon, but you will come to learn that having someone in your stomach is a very nice and special feeling indeed.”
She paused and smiled mischievously. “I guess I’ll keep them just a little while longer.”
She straightened her pose before she continued. “The third thing you can do is to speed up the digestion process. This is as you understand very useful, especially if you can’t hide your meal properly.”
“Slowing your digestion can be achieved with a few different techniques and a few different substances. Yes there are a few different pills so far that can help you as well as a couple of potions. All these do concentrate on preventing the stomach to do what it is made to do. Slowing the digestion process after the meal has been passed into the intestines seems a bit pointless, but there are those who study that too, should the need arise.”
“Speeding the digestion can be accomplished in lots of ways, and that is also why the diversity of pills and potions that does this is much greater that those that slows it.”
The professor starts a little PowerPoint presentation. Mainly it shows cut view of a woman so that you can see her whole digestive tract.
“Firstly you can stimulate the stomach, so that it produces more gastric juices and more effective gastric juices. Don’t underestimate the churning of the stomach, the larger the surface, the more of the meal comes into contact with and can thus react with the gastric juices. It is therefore essential that your stomach is effective at ripping your meal apart. Maybe I should say pulverizing, because in the long end that’s basically what it is trying to do.”
“The book takes up several ways to achieve this, a couple of massage techniques and a more concentration based technique that is meant to control your inner muscles and organs. To say the least, this is much harder than any massage. There are of course several other techniques that are not covered by the book, and I won’t go into them. This course is just covering what is in the book. I might start a continuation course to this one, but currently there are none.”
“Then as the meal has been reduced to a nutritious soup there are several ways to amplify the efficiency of the continuing break down of the meal and the absorption process, not to mention the dehydration process. The book covers a few tricks, and I might take up a couple more, but the ones I take up in addition to those in the book won’t be on any tests. It is just going to be for those who wants too improve a little bit more.”
“I almost forgot, you can if you like just hurry the progress of the meal through your intestines, this will give you diarrhoea, sometimes even a lumpy case of such since your meal isn’t digested. It can be useful at times. Fortunately I don’t have to use this solution any more.”
“The only drawback as I see it with speeding up digestion is that it usually gets quite noisy.”
“Any questions?”
A black haired suntanned girl waved her hand vigorously. She was the only one holding her hand up so the professor addressed her.
“Do you have a problem with a fly, or do you have a question?” Professor Blainey displayed that she too was equipped with the awful sense of humour most professors have.
“I don’t remember if I heard it or read it somewhere in the book. But what is power digest?”
“Power digest, is a rather loose term. As you get by its name it is about accelerated digestion. Generally if digestion takes place at such a speed that you can see the process as it occur, then it is considered power digestion. As you see the definition is rather loose, there is no lower end and the upper end is diffuse, maybe digestion within an hour could still be considered power digestion, I don’t know.”
“There have been a few power digest competitions among the girls in my research team, I never stayed around to watch, but I think they measures the time it took from first part of the meal entering the mouth until the last of the meal exited at the other end. In other words a rather gross scene to behold, but I guess drunken people can come up with all sorts of weird and gross things, even young researchers.”
The professor finished talking and shut down the computer. When she looked up at the class again she saw a waving hand.
“Could you please show us some power digestion?”
“Show you? For that I’d need a meal to digest.”
“Well don’t you all ready have two in there?”
“If you want to see power digestion I’ll be happy to show the class if you’d come down here and be my meal, but I’m not digesting Stacey and Kristin!”
The professor calmed down again.
“Besides, you’d not see much of it anyway, since I won’t relieve myself in here all you’d notice would be my belly rumbling a little. No, the striking part would be hiding the meal.”
Professor Blainey looked down at her tummy and poked it slightly.
“Stacey I’m going to relax my stomach so that you should show again. I need you to wiggle a little so that my stomach loosens up a bit and the bulge becomes bigger.”
Stacey did wiggle more than just a little, she knew the professor was asking her to trash about as much as she could, and she did. Meanwhile the professor tried to relax her stomach as much as possible, so that the bulge should get as large as possible. The result however wasn’t great, a bulge did appear, but it could probably only be seen by the girls on the first row.
“Ehh. Maybe I should let the TA’s show you this instead. It seems my body prefers to keep my meals in check. But those of you who can see the little bulge I got, watch now.”
And instantly the bulge disappeared.
The professor took a bottle of orange coloured liquid of her desk and held it up.
“As you see this liquid is orange, it is actually colourless, but since it is so important we have decided to colour it. It is what we will use in this class to regurgitate our meals. If you see an orange liquid in here it should be this kind of liquid. I don’t want to catch anyone bringing other orange liquids into my class is that clear? And I don’t want to see any practical jokes with this liquid, because the consequences could be dire.”
“You might argue that three are lots of orange sodas and such and that it therefore is a bad choice of colour. I beg to differ. It means you can get a canister for you liquid at the local store that is inconspicuous.”
She took a few mouthfuls of the liquid and in seconds she was bringing Stacey back up her throat. Stacey appeared head first and looked to be alright.
The professor bent over and let Stacey slide out of her mouth as soon as she had touched the floor.
Wet and slimy Stacey got to her feet and took the bottle of orange liquid that she was handed by the professor. She mimicked the movements Professor Blainey had just displayed and soon Kristin was lying on the floor.
“Come Kristin, there are showers back here.”
And with that the TA and Kristin walked out of the classroom to get themselves showered off.
“I will try to fit in a practice session at the end of each lesson, so that you can benefit from the TA’s and my help.”
The TA’s spread out across the room carrying several bags each with them while the professor continued.
“It is very important that you first manage to repress your gag reflex. I hope you all practiced at home, but if you still don’t feel comfortable with the spoon, I suggest that you repeat what we did last time.”
“If you are somewhat comfortable with the spoon, then give it to your partner and let her handle it. This is much harder, but if you get the hang of it, it won’t matter what is shoved down your throat. Which is the reason as to why we practice this first, it is hard to get anywhere with vore if you keep gagging on everything.”
“In other words practice this as much as you can. You won’t get anywhere unless you spend some serious time with this at home. When you are able to keep from gagging the TA’s will instruct you as how to proceed. As you can see they have brought a lot of fruit with them in all sizes.”
The Ta’s held up a couple of different fruits differing from plums too large watermelons.
“You will notice that you have to practice stretching your mouth and throat, so begin with small things and move to larger things as you make progress. You don’t have to throw the fruit back up. I don’t think anyone wants to eat it once it’s been in your stomach. Consider it a free meal.”
The students waited until the professor finally got quiet before they started. Most had tried keeping their gagging at bay at home with mixed results. Many hadn’t practiced at all and it showed, they still had problems with the spoon.
But there were others who had showed good progress already during the last session. Still some of those were struggling now because they hadn’t practiced much at home. Never the less many were ready to let their partners handle the spoon for them and soon had no problems with that either.
More interesting though were some of the girls who had been practicing a lot at home and in the two days since the last lesson had made serious progress. Amongst the more noticeable were Samantha, Sally and Gia.
Samantha had always been a bitch and liked pushing people around. So now that vore presented itself she had every intention of becoming good at it. With an object in her mouth to practice at not gagging she had read as much as she could from the book and had already read what would be covered during the first month and looked at a few more bits as well. She was among the first ones to try the fruits today.
Gia the little exotic beauty from earlier, she has black healthy hair both straight and thick and it comes down below her shoulders. Her naturally dark skin tone looks like a pleasant tan. One would perhaps expect a little girl like her to be cute, but truth be told she’s got the more sultry and perhaps bitchy appeal common amongst her Latino sisters.
As the smallest girl in class she’s gotten a few remarks that she didn’t like. It started already last class with girls saying she’d choke on their pinkie and with the development of this lesson, some girls are saying that they could probably eat her without much practicing. They had been smacking and licking their lips and patting their tummies. This had made Gia determined to practice a lot, she was not going to become someone’s snack without a fight.
Sally the girl who last time had been the last one to manage anything wasn’t quite as small as Gia but still felt awfully small, not to mention humiliated after really having been last with everything last time. She had actually skipped a few lessons to practice and she hadn’t seen any of her friends since last time.
When she had gotten home that day the first thing she did was to get one of her spoons she used for making chocolate milk, it sort of looks like a teaspoon with a really long shaft. Then she had spent most of the evening sitting in front of her toilet shoving the spoon in and out of her throat.
In fact the clock had become two in the morning before she went to bed. This lead to that she missed her first class but before she went to her second she tried the spoon move again and she hadn’t much problem with it any more.
She had still continued to practice though, which meant that she was ready to start with giving her practice partner the spoon right away and quickly moving on to fruits and getting help from the Julianne the dark haired TA.
With the book close at hand to get the techniques right she first tried a pickle, it took a while for her to feel comfortable with it in her throat and something she wanted to before she swallowed it. She then took an apple. This was much more difficult. Though her mouth gave her little trouble her throat stretched slowly to accommodate the fruit.
What she was most surprised about was that she didn’t have any trouble breathing with the apple in her throat. She guessed the professor had mentioned being able to breathe as something essential because breathing is essential and not because it was something the students would have to learn.
After the first apple she had a couple more, and after she had downed her sixth apple she had no problem with her gagging reflex any more.
She considered trying an orange but she spat it out after just a few minutes and decided that she’d rather spend some time stretching her mouth, her throat could wait until tomorrow. So she picked up the largest thing Julianne had brought. It was a yellow melon, bad with names she didn’t care what its correct name was, it was going to help her stretch her mouth and the damn thing weighed at least two kilos.
But as she turned to go back to her seat Julianne stopped her and gave her some pointers one of which were to ask her partner to help push.
Jolly she returned to her seat with the golden fruit like it was some sort of treasure while
Tiffany just stared at Sally as she returned with the large fruit.
“You are kidding, you can’t seriously be considering that!”
“Sure I can and I need your help to push it down.”
“Well don’t blame me if something goes wrong.”
After consulting the book several times she asked Tiffany to finally help her and she agreed even though she looked a bit shocked at the aspect.
Rubbing her jaws Sally’s mouth popped open and she stuffed a good portion of the melon into her mouth. Then Sally grabbed one of Tiffany’s hands and put it on the free end of the melon.
Tiffany snapped out of her trance and started pushing. It didn’t work very well because Sally was still standing up. So Tiffany got an idea.
“Sally sit down!”
Sally did as she was told and Tiffany stood in front of her, or more appropriate would probably be calling it standing over Sally’s lap, since Sally’s thighs were under her.
Tiffany then forced Sally’s head against the back of the seat as she forcefully tried to cram the fruit into Sally. Because Sally couldn’t give the fruit had no option but to slowly disappear into sally’s mouth and down her throat.
“Haha! It’s working I knew it!”
Tiffany exclaimed almost as happy as Sally about the progress.
Soon the whole melon was inside and Tiffany wondered whether she should continue pushing or not. She tried the not pushing option first and quickly came to the conclusion that Sally still needed her help. Not wanting both her arms in there Tiffany rolled up her right arm sleeve and resumed the pushing, just using her right hand this time.
Tiffany was amazed that Sally could do this. Slowly her hand disappeared from view as she shoved the melon down Sally’s throat. And eventually her elbow was in Sally’s mouth too. Then with a wet plop the resistance went away and she almost toppled over as the melon finally entered Sally’s stomach.
Tiffany said as she felt her fingers inside Sally’s stomach and her arm enveloped in Sally’s warm and wet throat. She slowly pulled her arm back out and felt Sally’s tongue taste as much of her as it could.
“Mmm, you’re yummy.”
Sally said when Tiffany pulled her hand out of Sally’s mouth.
“Thanks, I guess.”
Tiffany smiled back.
“Would you mind helping me with another one?”
Sally asked, but before she got any answer Tiffany was already halfway to Julianne and shouted at the poor TA.
“Give me a melon dammit! I want it yesterday!”
“Sure, just calm down, the melons aren’t gonna run away you know.”
Julianne said and gave the girl what she wanted.
“Open wide”
Tiffany teased as she came back to Sally with another yellow melon. Sally playing the good girl did as she was told and was soon feeling her mouth and throat stretching once more.
This melon went down a little bit easier, it might have had to do with Tiffany pushing harder this time, but it still took quite a while. And Tiffany was pulling her arm back out of Sally’s mouth when the bell rang.
“See you Monday” Sally said. As she and Tiffany went their separate ways.
Sally was rather pleased with today’s practice, her mouth and throat were quite sore, but she had been the only one using melons and she had made up her mind, she was going to sleep with a melon in her mouth until next lesson which would be on Monday, leaving her the whole weekend to practice.
 indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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