Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1588516-Honestly-Its-A-Coincidence
by Iji
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #1588516
You shrink to half an inch tall in your girlfriend's apartment!

You shrink to half an inch tall in your girlfriend's apartment!

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:

You're girlfriend Natasha is a hot mixed 21yr old who lives alone in her apartment. She is a very sweet yet sexual woman. After the two of you got serious, you explored all your shrinking fetishes with her, and she loved it. She would tell you stories about what she would do to you, and even confessed that though the idea never occured to her before, such power from being a giantess and knowing that any kind of torment she used on you would only turn you on... well, it gets her turned on more than anything else. She loves licking her lips at you and telling you how she would rape you with her tongue, and many other things. Of course, she truly is the sweetest girl in the world, its just a shared fetish that you both love. You've went over a million different scenarios and they are all pretty similar. "No baby, I never actually wanted to shrink! It just happened! Its scarier than I fantasized and everything hurts, please we have to get me back to normal!" Of course, you never mean it when you're fantasizing, but she knows this. She loves to hear you beg and knows that if you did shrink, it would be no coincidence, and she would do everything to you.

Yeah, its a good life. You're in love, and shes in love with you. One early morning you decide to suprise her and sneak into her apartment with your spare key. You slide into her room, the lights still off, when suddenly you shrink to half an inch tall!!!! How can you get her to noticed you, and even then, will she believe your story?



You- You're you. This is an 18+ story so you're at least that. =D

Natasha- Your girlfriend. She is 21, she is a very light caramel color (shes mixed) and absolutely beautiful. She keeps herself well pampered, she has big boobs, pouty luscious lips, beautiful brown eyes, smooth skin, and her biggest asset is her ass. Its completely disproportionate to the rest of her body and you love it! She stands 5'4'', a little on the short side but... yeah, not for long.

(Yeah, obviously we didn't want to be too descriptive on what she looks like for privacy sakes, -but- here is a link to a picture of someone very-very close to what she looks like. Story-wise, yeah this is her: http://www.yorapper.com/Photos/vanessa-veasley.jpg )

Kita- Your girlfriend's long-time friend that she hasn't seen in ages! She came into some money and moved away a few years ago ,and since then has become somewhat of a snob. She gets what she wants, and isn't afraid to take.
(image - http://static.hometheaterforum.com/imgrepo/b/b6/htf_imgcache_17790.jpeg hillary Tuck irl, can anyone guess where she's from?)

More characters can be introduced later. This is actually a story I'm writing with my girlfriend, but anyone who wants to create extra characters are more than welcome!


So... its been a long while since this was updated. Natasha and I have been really busy lately. I know that sounds life, but real life comes first 'eh? Anyways, just poking around I noticed that for only 20 chapters (as of writing this), I have 4,501 views. Wow. Guess that means 'tasha n I will be writing again soon. Thanks for the reviews/comments/additions. Sorry if one or three were deleted/edited. >.>
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1588516-Honestly-Its-A-Coincidence