You immediately choose to enter Cammy's door, and as soon as you step through it, you find yourself in a huge, dark room.
You look around the place, only to see nothing much but darkness. It seems to be some sort of storage place, though, you think you make out some big crates standing around.
Suddenly, you hear a sharp voice exclaiming "Target aquired! Beginning mission!" Your head spins around so quick that you almost break your neck, only to see Cammy standing dangerously close to you, and obviously getting ready for a fight. Your eyes have slowly adapted to the darkness now and you can see more clearly, but there is no sign of any door or something like that. To Cammy, it must seem like you are an enemy agent who just happened to blow his cover right next to her. No wonder she's wanting to fight you now.
Before you can even think of running away, defending yourself or trying to say something you hear a "Spinal arrow!" as Cammy comes flying right at you! There's little you can do to avoid to the attack, so it hits you quite hard. Cammy's kick sends you flying backwards and you end up lying on the ground.
That wasn't much of a fight, really; you think. But before you manage to get up, Cammy's face shows up in front of you again. "Hold it right there! What are you doing in here? Who are you?" The look in her eyes is dead-serious, so you flinch a bit after looking into her steel-blue eyes. Her expression grows more dangerous with every second, so you figure it would be best to say something. "I'm sorry, I'm not really sure how I got here in the first place myself! You see, I just kind of found this huge building in the middle of the woods and there were, like, a ton of different doors-" "I don't have time for this foolish nonsense!" Cammy suddenly interrupts you. "If I don't finish this mission in time, I might get caught by more... capable agents than you. So, tell me the truth now, or I will make you regret the very day you were born!"
Cammy suddenly drops down heavily on your chest and grabs your arms with her strong hands, rendering you mostly immoveable. You try to struggle, but Cammy's grip only gets tighter once you do so. "Argh... I told you, I'm not some sort of agent or anything like that! I just happened to came to this place on accident!" Seeing the disapproving look on Cammy's face, you fear for the worst. "Well, I thought someone who is as skilled as to move around close to me without being noticed... for some time won't spill their secrets this quickly. However! I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to squeeze all the information I desire out of you! You better prepare yourself, because you are going to suffer now!"