Lyra took one look at the odd child, shrugged, and walked into the lab. There were weird people out and about, and if she were to talk to every last one, Things would get rather boring. She trotted intot he lab, passing by technicians and the like, until she got to Professor Elm. "Hey!" Lyra called out, her hands folded behind her derriere.
Professor Elm glanced up, smiling softly. "Hey there. Listen, Lyra, I need you to do me a very important favor."
"Aren't I supposed to get my Pokemon today?" Lyra asked, smiling so wide her cherubic cheeks dimpled. She just wanted to grab her Pokemon, and run. She had a long journey ahead of her, and she was trembling with anticipation to get started.
"Listen, Lyra, I sent Gold out to grab this, but he's been taking too long to come back, and I'm getting worried," Professor Elm mumbled, tensely.
"Oh, what's going on?" Lyra asked, her heart pounding in her chest, her fingers interlocked on her lap.
"A friend of mine has a weird egg that I want to examine, so I sent Gold out the moment he retrieved his first Pokemon. Now, the problem is I'm sure he just was lost. I mean, it's a long journey to go there and back for the first time. So, listen, I need you to navigate to my friend's house. I'll give you a map and directions and all that, and a Pokemon. Oh, stupid! That's why you're here too. I'm sorry, just got sidetracked."