Leaf moved fast for a girl her size, at least when she got excited. Usually it took her mom's cooking to get the tubby trainer-to-be to move as fast as she did. Standing in the kitchen, her mother heard the familiar thumps of Leaf rushing too quickly down the stairs and waited for her daughter to show up, licking her lips, ready to chow down on a stack of pancakes with a heap of bacon on the side to start the day. She waited - and waited, worrying her daughter had taken a tumble in her rush again - and then heard the front door open and quickly slam shut.
Outside, Leaf took a moment to breathe in the fresh morning air of Pallet Town - or at least to catch her breath. Her excitement may have gotten the better of her, but there were still limitations to what her body could manage. She rested her hands on her prominent gut as she took several breaths. The entire time her eyes were on the road out of Pallet Town, visible from her house. Once she was no longer flirting with hyperventilation, Leaf trudged down the street with purpose. Her thighs were already beginning to rub, and her calves wobed with each step, but Leaf was a girl on a mission. She was going to start her adventure! Go out in to the wider world! Meet new pokemon! Taste exotic dishes!
"Hey! Wait! Don't go out!" Leaf was barely a step out of town before she heard the yell. Turning around, she found a tall, stern looking man in a lab coat striding up to her. Something about him tickled the back of Leaf's brain...
"It's unsafe out there!" The man lectured her. "Don't you know wild pokemon live in the tall grass?" He gestured to the sides of the road, which were indeed rather overgrown. Glancing around, Leaf thought she saw a pidgey, and something with glowing eyes in the bushes, and the quiet buzz of bug pokemon. She turned back to the old man, trying to explain herself, and found him studying her.
"Hmm, going out, are you?" He seemed to have noticed her bag. "You'll need a pokemon for your own protection. I know just the thing!"
Rusty gears finally clicked together in Leaf's brain. She had seen this man before, but never up close.
"You're Professor Oak!" She blurted out. Oak just smiled.
"Indeed, and I was just on my way to my lab. My grandson is getting his own pokemon today, but it looks like he's not the only one starting his adventure. Why don't you follow me?"
Oak had a reputation as an eccentric - any Pallet Town native knew that - but Leaf couldn't believe he just went around offering Pokemon to anyone he saw. It was a stroke of luck, all the same.
"Actually..." Leaf's cheeks were tomatoes in color as well as size now. "I was supposed to meet with you today, Professor. I am starting my Pokemon journey, I just, er..."
"Got a little carried away, eh?" Oak chuckled; Leafe hoped that meant she wasn't the only one to make this mistake. She realized now just how far ahead of herself she had gotten as her belly gave a growl.
"I haven't even had breakfast..." Leaf whined. "I don't think well on an empty stomach."
"There'll be time for that later. Come along then." Oak was already starting back towards the town. Leaf wished she could tell him to hold up - she swore she could still smell the bacon her mother had been frying up - but she didn't want to keep the professor waiting. Patting her belly and promising she'd make up the missed meal later, Leaf started towards the lab.