After eating dinner, two large helpings of lasagna, Connor decided to invite his girlfriend over to hang out.
"Hey Des, want to come hang out tonight?" Connor asked.
"Sure, I'd love too. See you in a few," Desiree replied.
"Ok see you soon," Connor answered and hung up the phone.
Connor walked inside to the den and sat on the couch with a thud. He began to rub his gut which was soft from the lasagna, he mulled over the idea of Desiree coming over and his plan to fatten up Cory. As his hand massaged his slightly expanded stomach, he wondered what it would be like to put on a few pounds. Then he heard a knock on the door and got up.
"Hey nice to see you," Connor said as he greeted his girlfriend at the door, he gave he a quick kiss.
"Mmm, nice to see you too," Desiree replied.
They went inside and sat down in the den to watch some TV. Connor had is arm around Desiree and after a while she lay down on his lap. Desiree noticed Connor's stomach was a little swollen and she aimlessly ran her finger over Connor's soft midsection, Connor didn't mind. After a while Connor's stomach began to grumble a little.
"Hmm, someone's hungry I see," Desiree said as Connor's stomach gurgled.
"Huh, I guess a little," Connor said as he noticed that he ws feeling a little hungry.
"Why don't you get us some ice cream?" Desiree suggested.
"Sure," Connor responded, he lifted her head off of his lap and went into the kitchen to get some ice cream from the freezer.
After a few minutes Connor returnd with two bowls of ice cream, one of them had a much more generous amount of ice cream, he also brought some chocolate syrup.
"I figured you might want something sweet," Connor said as he set the syrup down on the table.
Desiree sat up and watched as Connor went to work on his ice cream, she didn't eat much.
"Hey, don't you want any?" Connor asked after a few minutes as he notced she wasn't eating much.
"Oh, well I figured I have volleyball tryouts in only a few days, I wouldn't want to ruin my hardwork," Desiree said.
"Oh, ok, that makes sense," Connor replied and went back to eating.
After another few minutes Connor let his spoon clank in the empty bowl, he sat back on the couch, his belly now spilled over the waistband of his sweatpants. Desiree moved close to him and slowly began to rub his stomach. She was so used to his rippling six pack, toned and stiff, and she could still feel his muscular abs, only now they were hidden under a soft layer of flesh.
Desiree kissed him, "Why don't we go to your room, I have something to show you," she said as she headed upstairs.
Connor sprang up and followed her up to his room, he locked the door and sat down on his bed. Desiree sat down on his lap, Connor noticed she was holding the bottle of chocolate syrup. Desiree popped open the cap and drank a little of the syrup, she let some linger on her lips.
Desiree kissed him again, he could taste the sweet syrup, "Mmm, doesn't that taste good," she said seductively.
Connor was getting turned on by this, and Desiree could feel it.
"Hmm, wouldn't you like a taste?" Desiree said as she put the bottle into his mouth and squeezed on it.
Connor let the syrup flow into his mouth, he could feel Desiree massaging his pecs, he flexed them in ecstasy. Desiree took the bottle from his mouth and kissd him again.
"Uhh, I just love chocolate," She said, Desiree could tell now Connor was so turned on, she could feel his heart beating harder and faster as she worked her fingrs into his chest..
Desiree unbuttoned her shirt and Connor tore of his t-shirt and threw it to the floor. She could now see what she had been longing for, Connor's distended gut. Desiree could see the start of a juicy roll of fat forming below his navel, she pictured how soft he could become. Desiree squeezed some more syrup into his mouth and spilled some onto his chest and stomach.
"Looks like I'll have to clean up this mess," Desiree said as she began to lick the chocolate off Connor's body.
Connor couldn't stand much more, sweat started to bead up on his body, Desiree began to massage his stomach and slowly worked her way into his pants. She slowly ran her hands agaist his thick and hard shaft. And then Connor moaned in ecstasy as his muscles tensed up.
Connor and Desiree lay there, kissing each other intermitantly amidst the silence.