Starglint nodded at the fox's request. Considering the bandit fought well and with honour, the badger lord gave Edwardo his request. With a shout, Starglint whipped Efreeti into the air and down across the Fox's neck. With a wet shluck, his head separated from his body as the bandit leader was no more. A few rats and a weasel screamed at the Badger, raising arms but were quickly struck down by the victor. The rest of the bandits retreated to the woods, having been routed and bested by the warrior.
Starglint grunted, making his way into the cave to see what the bandits had acquired. The cave was a set of caverns, well suited for a bandit's lair, with rooms for barracks, armoury, prison, and treasury. The weapons were useless, and the clothing was too small for a badger of his size. Starglint made his way further into the back of the cave, finding the prison. There he saw several beasts, mice, hares, hedgehogs, even a sow badger female. Their throats slit, and judging by their warmth, recently too. Starglint sighed in pain, knowing he was the one who signed their death warrant.
The treasury was full of glittering things from all over Mossflower. Gems, coin, jewelry, silks. The bandits had a large cache of wealth. Starglint looked over the treasure, taking a small sack of coin and gems, not knowing when the next time he might need to bribe someone, and fashioned himself a red silk cloak from the bolts of silk cloth, joining it with a silver brooch in the shape of an eagle.
Leaving the caves, Starglint found himself at the crossroads once again. The pull towards Salamandastron was greater even now, his taste of Bloodwrath reminding him of his status as lord. However, Starglint knew the surrounding villages would benefit from the treasures the bandits had, as well as spreading the news of their demise. Also he could receive healing for his wounds.