"Oh my god sweetie are you okay?" yelled the huffing and puffing voice of your girlfriend Jen. You quckly flitted your eyes and scanned the area, you where inside of Jen's soft hand and being held tightly as Jen ran, water seeped through her fingers from the rainy skies as she opened her hand. "Uggghh, where am I.... Wait why am I so small!?"
You started shivering out of fear in your new vulnerable size. "Aww, honey come here" said Jen as she shoved you to her lips and gave you a kiss. "Im sorry you are shrunk, but I did all I could to save you," "From what?" you said. "From the new all girl cult, your sister went to join but the evil leader, Cassandra didnt let her in unless she offered a sacrifice, which in turn was you. Cassandra is the evil queen of this cult and she became the queen after finding this new power," "What power?" you asked. "The shrink ray gun that she found, laying in an asteroid, she uses it to shrink people and make them her slaves. "Okay, so who are we running from now?" you asked. "Amy Giant, she is the cults searcher and she helped your sister in shrinking you down, if I didnt come in when I did you would be in Cassandra's belly right now with thousands of other shrunken people from microscopic size to 3 inches tall." "How do you know this much?" you asked, "I had to join the cult because my sister wanted to break us up, but I stole you on our mission to shrink you so I could keep you safe." Before you could speak again Jen hopped into an alleyway and pressed you against her body to hide you from Amy. Amy quickly ran by, her highlights staining the dark night. "Okay, good shes gone" Jen said, "Im gonna take you home so you can stay with everyone else I rescued." Jen slipped you down her tanktop and you slid inti her bellybutton. She patted her stomach "Stay there and dont move, try and get in as deep as you can." You climbed down to the end, it was really cramped and warm. Jen casually walked out of the alleyway into the wet streets. "Hey You!" you suddenly heard a muffled gasp coming from Jen as she saw that she was caught. The clip clop of boots walked over and the giant Amy towered over Jen at 6'5. "Where is that shrunken man that you took," said Amy. "Honestly, I'm sorry" said Jen. "I didnt have lunch so I was hungry and swallowed him, I thought you would get mad at me." Amy made a concerned face, "Well you could have asked, as long as he is dead. I mean the queens belly or your belly it doesnt really make a difference, I'll let this one slide." Amy slowly walked away putting her shrink ray gun in the pocket of her jeans.