All that stood, err cowered, before Templeton was a small dusty grey She-rat. She was very skinny, so much in fact that her ribs jutted from below her skin her head was bowed in fright, and her bony tail was clutched in her an instant, she was on her knees, head bowed, as she stammered nervously,
“P-please…D-don’t make it hurt. J-just q-quick”
Quickly, her legs folded below her, and she practically kissed the ground before him, arms and claws coming to lie on the ground not far from him.
Templeton stood there for a moment not sure what to do.
His stomach growled angrily, the very sight of her making him feel like he was starving.
She was tiny, half the size Templeton had been before the fair, but her fur, her fur was lovely. It was like icing on a cupcake, long and thick, and it had a nice sheen.
She was still trying to bury her face into the dirt when Templeton started to shake and wobble with mirth.
He let out a sort series of laughs, interrupted thoroughly with hiccups and rich belches. Finally his outburst came to a halt, although his madly jiggling stomach was still quite active.
Finally, once he had released enough gases to speak, he grunted,
“Too bony. Besides, there’s too much food around here to even share”
Nervously, the She-rat laughed, and then unsteadily climbed to her feet. She fell, and Templeton watched, uncertain if he should help her.
He had never had much luck with females.
Suddenly, something in Templeton’s gut shifted, and he was irrevocably pulled forward. Tiny feet not being sufficient to move him anymore, Templeton rolled twice, and came to a halt beside her. He grabbed her tiny claw, and gently pulled her up to stand, not wanting to hurt her because she was so fragile. Her delicate claws were lost in his flab.
“Names Templeton” he grunted,
“Cyra” she replied, and then looked him in the eyes for the first time.
Every other She-rat Templeton had met had had yellow eyes. Even his mother’s eyes were golden. But yellow was gaudy, and overly much.
Cyra’s eyes were beautiful. Like her, they weren’t too much; they were both vivid and stunning, alluring and bewitching, classy and comely, dazzling and delightful, delicate and divine, elegant and enticing, graceful and grand, ravishing and refined, stunning and sublime.
They were silver.
Then she looked away, and at his massive gut. Then away again, shyly.
Templeton understood.
Carefully, he grabbed her claws again, and pulled them close.
She followed, and spread her arms wide, massaging his innards.
Templeton moaned with pleasure, as she aided his titanic tummy digest what was left of his gorge. The night was theirs.
Quite some time later, they wandered out again, in search of food for Templeton.
Cyra had already explained that she had a condition, that if she ate more than enough to keep her alive, she would helplessly regurgitate it.
At first, Templeton insisted that he could make it by himself, but eventually he broke down, letting her simply roll him along, handing him goodies she found. He was surprised at her strength. Nibbling on a pretzel, he smiled in bliss.
The real trouble came when they found a table.
They had a brief light argument, Templeton wanted to get up the table himself, so he could gorge with the full knowledge of what else there was. Cyra countered that it would be more preservative of his calories if he simply let her help him, handing the food down the table.