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  1. A Dream Comes True.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1262152-Shrunk-By-Your-Mom-4/cid/452003-A-Dream-Comes-True
Rated: NPL · Interactive · Other · #1262152
A 16 year old boy becomes the family slave after his mom shrinks him.
Chapter #1

A Dream Comes True.

    by: Mad Dog
You've never really liked your life. It's difficult to explain really, but you've always felt like you were meant for something else. What that something was revealed itself six years ago, when you were ten years old. You'd just watched a commercial for some new action figure. Being a ten year old boy, you wanted it and excitedly ran upstairs to your mom's bedroom. In your excitement, you forgot the rule about knocking on bedroom doors and waiting to be asked in. The sight that greeted your eyes stopped you dead in your tracks. You burst through the door and charged into your mom's bedroom. Your mom spun around in shock, more as a reflex action than a deliberate act. Not that it mattered, because you still found yourself looking at your mom's naked body. The front of your mom's naked body.
You'd both stood there for about ten seconds, both in a state of shock. You'd wanted to turn away but, never having seen a naked female body before, you became transfixed. It was only about ten seconds before your mom picked up towel from the bed, but it was long enough to fill you with awe. Your mom had been 36 at the time, still young and wrinkle free. Your mom had been a model. Not one of those pale, skin clad skeletons that are so popular now. She had a perfect, hourglass figure. You could feel your jaw hanging open as your eyes moved from her large, but not overly so, pert breasts, to her long, slender legs, to her flat belly and then to her...nether regions. It would be another couple of years before you found out that not all women were completely free of pubic hair. The thing that had intrigued you the most though, had been her piercing. You couldn't help noticing what looked a diamond stud protruding slightly from the top of the slit between her thighs. And there was a second, just below it, the other end of the stud. It was shortly after that the towel was put in its way. Your mom never got angry about it.

That night, you had the weirdest dream. Your mom came into your room, still naked, and stood over you as you lay in bed. With a kindly smile, she told you that she was a goddess and that you'd been very naughty, running into her bedroom and seeing her naked. She told you that you had to be punished, but not to be scared because it wouldn't hurt. She then waved her right hand over you, and then you suddenly became paralysed as everything, the room, your mom, the whole world, grew to immense proportions. You'd shrunk to just a few centimeters. She again told you not to be afraid, before reaching down with an enormous finger and thumb and plucked you off the pillow. She then told you that being shrunk was your punishment, and that she was going to put you somewhere safe and warm while you were so small. This turned out to be in exactly the same place the stud had been. Your mom kept you there for about a week while she got on with her life. Then one day, you found yourself staring at a reflection of yourself in your mom's clitoris. She was stood in front of a full length mirror, naked again. She had her hands on her hips and the same kindly smile as before on her face. She told you that she was sorry, but you were really comfortable, and she liked wearing you more than her real piercing, so she was going to wear you in the hood of her clitoris forever. She then got dressed, and it was at that point you woke up, feeling both disturbed and excited.

After that night, you'd developed an unhealthy obsession with your mom. You've become convinced that you were born to be your mother's slave, and for the past six years, you've developed various fantasies about it. You've also visited pretty much every occult website on the net, and every store you could find, in the hope you could find a way to make your fantasy a reality. At least, you thought you'd visited every store. One day, whilst walking around the local shopping mall, you found an occult store that you'd never seen before. That in itself was odd, because you know every occult/magic store in a 50 mile radius. It was also odd because you'd walked through here yesterday, and you're pretty sure it hadn't been there. In fact, the place it was occupying had been a music store. You had a good look around before the owner introduced herself, by appearing, seemingly out of thin air, behind you. Her name had been Rachel, and you'd been surprised, not just by her sudden appearance, but also by the fact that she was an attractive woman in her mid thirties, with long red hair. Every other occult store owner you'd encountered had either been a creepy old man, or a creepy old woman. It had also surprised, shocked and embarrassed you when Rachel told you about that first dream you'd had, and the fantasies you've had ever since. You'd never told anybody about them, so there was no way she could have known. She'd then shown you a bracelet that she said gave it's wearer the power of a god or goddess. The bracelet was shaped like an oriental style dragon. The position of it's clasp meant the dragon ended up biting its own tail. It also had two blood red stones for eyes. Having been disappointed on so many occasions previously, you were intially sceptical, but she proved it by shrinking you to one inch in height. After being returned to your normal size, you knew immediately that you had to have the bracelet. Rachel suggested you think it through. But you had thought it through, for six years. So, Rachel sold you the bracelet for $1000. Being from a very wealthy family, and having a large allowance, that wasn't a very expensive purchase.

Now you're sat in your bedroom, feeling embarrassed and humiliated. It had taken you three days to pluck up the courage, but you finally poured out your heart to your mom an hour earlier. There's only the two of you in the house right now, so it seemed like the best time. Your mom listened intently, looking understandably shocked, as you told her about the dream you'd had after seeing her naked, and then about the fantasies of being her slave, and about the bracelet, which you put on the table she was sat at. She was very calm all the way through. You finished off by begging her to make your fantasy come true. Your mom picked up the bracelet and looked at it.
"I'm sorry Rob," she'd said, "But I..I can't do what you ask. First of all, I'm your mother and it just wouldn't right. In fact, it's very wrong. I'm not angry or anything, but I'm a little disturbed that you'd have these kind of thoughts. I suggest we both pretend this never happened".
And that was it. You walked out of the kitchen feeling humiliated. You'd poured out your heart to your mom, told her your deepest secrets, and she turned you away.
You'd assumed that once you'd told her, she would make your fantasies come true. You never, for one second, thought she'd say no.
You lie on your bed, your head spinning, and you gradually drift off to sleep. You're awakened by your mom's voice gently telling you to wake up. You look at the clock next to your bed, you've been asleep for two hours. You prop yourself on your elbows and look at your mom. She's stood in the middle of your bedroom, wearing the long, black silk dressing gown your dad bought her a few months ago.
"Great," you say bitterly. "Another stupid dream."
"This isn't a dream", your mom says softly. "Not this time".
"What're you doing here?" you ask nervously.
Your mom's smile widens.
"I've changed my mind", she says. "I'm going to grant your wish, and make you my slave".
"That's not funny", you say angrily. "I thought we were going to pretend it never happened. Now you're going to use it to make fun of me."
"No", your mom says with a shake of her head. "After you walked out of the kitchen, I started to think about what you told me. They're very...unusual...fantasies, but I find them interesting. Then I decided that I may as well see if that bracelet really did what you said it did. Imagine my surprise when I found out it did. I've had quite a lot of fun with this over the past two hours. Then I started thinking about being a goddess, and using my powers on you. Then I realised that it didn't shock me as much as it should. I should have been disturbed, disgusted even. But I'm not. I'm feeling pretty guilty about these thoughts, I guess it's your fault for putting them there. But the more I do think about it, the more curious I get. It also makes me feel pretty horny. It turns me on to think of myself using you for my pleasure. The thought of doing something so...wrong...is quite exciting. So...I think I may just let you be my slave. See if I like it. The question is...what're you prepared to do to become your own mother's slave?"
You feel a mixture of excitement, suspicion, elation and fear as you realise that your mom is serious.
"Errr...anything", you reply. "I..I'll do anything".
You then feel your eyes widen and your jaw drop in sheer shock as your mom opens the dressing gown, and shrugs it off. It falls gracefully into a heap around her feet, and she stands there completely naked. She's got most of her weight on her right leg. Her left knee is slightly bent and she has her hands on her hips. Her body hasn't changed a bit in the six years since you last saw it. It's still an awesome sight. As your eyes drift down, you notice that she still has a stud in the hood of her clitoris. It's a different one though. The one she's wearing now appears to have a ruby rather than diamonds.
"Nice, isn't it?" she asks with a lick of her lips. "I'm quite proud of my figure. There are girls half my age who'd kill to have a body like mine".
"It's beautiful", you say as you stare, transfixed at your mom's naked body. "You're so beautiful".
Your mom giggles. "Why thank you", she says as she starts walking toward your bed. You lie back down as she stands next to it, much like she did in the dream six years ago. It also makes her look like a giantess. "But you didn't answer my question. What are you prepared to do....to convince your mother that you should be her slave?"
"I did answer," you reply. "I told you...I'll do anything. Anything you want me to do".
Your mom slowly licks her top lip as she looks down at you. Then she puts her left knee on the bed, next to your right shoulder. She swings her right leg over your body and gently sets it down next to your left shoulder, meaning that your mom is now kneeling astride you. Slowly, she lowers herself down and sits on your chest. Your mom is 6"2' tall, but she's also pretty light, so it's not too uncomfortable. You'd become aroused the second your mom revealed her naked body. It was embarrassing, but you don't think she's noticed, yet.
She puts her hands on her thighs and grins as she looks down at you.
"Would you eat mommy's pussy?" she asks softly.
"Yes," you reply after a pause. "If it meant I could be your slave..I would eat your pussy".
Your mom moves forward and lifts up slightly, until her pussy is hovering just a few inches above your mouth.
"Prove it", she says softly. "Eat my pussy. Eat it...and then I'll make you my slave".
So you do. Without even pausing to think about it, you raise your head and begin kissing the warm, soft outer lips of her vagina. Then you slowly draw your tongue the entire length of her slit, from the bottom to the top. You feel a shiver go through your mom as you do it. She puts a hand on the top of your head and lets out a loud groan. You do this a few more times, watching with fascination as she slowly becomes aroused. You become intoxicated by the aroma, and the taste of your mom's vaginal juices, greedily drinking them down as they pour out of her. Your mom slowly rubs herself all over your face, then orders you to put your tongue inside her. You feel her inner labia part as you slowly slide your tongue into the furnace of your mom's pussy. To your surprise, you feel a tingling sensation in your tongue. It seems to stiffen, then feels likes it's growing bigger and wider. You realise that's exactly what's happened when the tip of your tongue reaches the top of her vagina. Your mom laughs and then groans, then she pushes your head down into the pillow and grinds her pussy into your face.
"Don't be scared baby", she says breathlessly. "Mommy's nearly finished".
She then starts to slide up and down on your enlarged tongue, groaning loudly with pleasure as she does so. You don't feel an ounce of guilt, or disgust as your mom rides your tongue harder and faster each time. You just feel happiness that you're finally about to have a dream come true. This is what you were born for. Suddenly, Your mom grunts, then pushes down and starts grinding her pussy hard into your face, as you look up, between the hands clutching your head, you see your mom throw her head back and let out a long, loud, ear piercing scream. You feel her pussy flood with her orgasmic juices, to your surprise, instead of choking, you find you're able to easily drink it down. Eventually, your mom's orgasm subsides and she sits still on your face. She giggles as she wriggles around on your engorged tongue.
"Aaah", she says, "that was heaven. I think I'll make this a treat. For when I've been a good girl. And as for you...slave".
As your tongue returns to it's normal size, you feel the tingling sensation throughout your whole body and you close your eyes. The weight of your mom disappears, as though she's gotten off your face, and you feel as the pillow is stretching in all directions beneath you. After about thirty seconds, the tingling disappears. You open your eyes and gasp in both fear and surprise, as you find yourself staring up at your mom's now giant, wet vagina hovering high above you. Your mom moves back and kneels on the bed, right where your shoulders had been previously. Hands on thighs again.
"Wow," she says in wonder as she looks down at you. "That's incredible. You're so tiny, so helpless. I can do anything I want with you, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. I'm curious, why do want to be a slave?".
You think for a few seconds.
"I'm not really like the rest of you", you reply. "You're all so...beautiful...perfect. I'm overweight and ugly. I'm not one of you. You're all better than I am. I guess that's why this fantasy started. I'm inferior, and I feel as though this is what I was meant to be. Now I've got my wish. I feel much happier".
Your mom gives you a sympathetic smile.
"You're not ugly", she says softly. "And you're not that overweight. Y'know...", your mom says. It gives me a beautiful feeling of power to know that I've just shrunk you. And to know that you're completely at my mercy. I can do anything I want with you. You do know that I'm not going to keep you all to myself, don't you?" she asks. "You've given up the life you had and have willingly become a slave. It's only right that the rest of my family get to have you serve them".
You did consider that something like this might happen. It's the only thing that spoiled things for you really. You'd hoped that your mom would feel greedy and keep you for herself. It's her you want to serve the most. She's the most beautiful of them all. The one who gave you life. In a way, that makes her your goddess.
"Not the guys, please. Can't I just serve the girls?"
"No," your mom says sternly. "First of all, it would be impossible for the females to keep you a secret. You'd be discovered sooner or later. And in any case, it wouldn't be fair. I can understand that you may not find it particularly pleasant. But you did choose this. If you serve one, you must serve all. Or you could go back to being a normal sized boy.
"No", you say softly after a couple of minutes thought. "I wasn't happy with my other life. That's why I wanted this. I just didn't think about that part of it. I can't go back to the way I was".
"Then we're agreed", your mom says. "Don't worry Rob, I'll try to make sure that their use of you is kept to a minimum. But there's a small problem of us married grown ups enjoying sex. I'm not gonna say no to my husband, your master, simply because I have you in my pussy. If anything, it'll make it more enjoyable for me. And I dare say the others will be the same. But...even though you're just a slave now...and will be treated as such...I'll make sure you're also treated with at least a little respect. But only because you gave yourself to us. OK?"
You nod your head. You're less than happy at the prospect of being a slave to your whole family, but you'll have to learn to deal with it. Because the one thing you do know, is that you never want to go back to your old life. She leans foward, putting her hands on either side of the pillow. Then she lowers her head toward you. You feel a little scared with her enormous face being the only thing in your field of view, but you keep still. You feel her hot, minty smelling breathe on your whole body as she opens her mouth directly above you. You stare up in wonder at the huge, gaping maw above you, and the gigantic white teeth just behind the lips. You know that, if she wanted to, she could pulverise you with those teeth, and then send what was left sliding down her throat. Far from being afraid, you feel an intense sense of excitement. You don't even feel scared when her humungous tongue drops toward you, and the tip moves over you, from your feet up to your head, leaving you drenched in your mom's saliva.
"You're not scared. Are you?" your mom asks as she sits up.
You shake your head.
"Good," she says with a grin. "That'll make you easier to use. So will making you indestructable, which I did when I shrank you. I'm definitely going to enjoy having my son for a slave. Speaking of using you. What shall I do with you now? I could suck you up into my mouth, roll you around for a while...and then swallow you whole. I think I'd enjoy feeling you slide down my throat. And I love the thought of having you in my belly. Then again", her right hand slides down between her legs. "At that size, you'd fit very nicely..and comfortably into my pussy. Or I could make you a few inches bigger and use you for a dildo. That'd be fun. Then again, I could make that dream come true...and wear you in my clit for a while. Decisions decisions."
After a couple of minutes thought your mom smiles and says,
"I think...that for your act of service as my slave....I'll:
*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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