Jill suddenly felt her body seize up, all of it concentrated on her hips, thighs, ass, and breasts. Rubbing her hips vigorously, the brunette writhed a bit in pain as the specified body parts began to burn, her skin feeling like it was on fire. Toddling out of the room, trying to pat out fires on her body that weren't there, Jill moaned a little in pain as her shirt tightened over her breasts, and her pants felt like they were constricting her body. Wobbling a bit, she eventually collapsed at the end of the hallway, utterly exhausted as the fires continued to rage under her skin.
"Urgh...it hurts..." she moaned, convulsing as another wave of pain hit her. Jill had stumbled into a dead end, the door behind her closing and the passageway sealing off. The only thing left was the stairs...and there were no signs of any bloodstains. Leaning up against the wall, Jill passed out, the pressure from her shirt and her pants as well as the pain finally overcoming her.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Jill woke up some time later, moaning. The pain had gone, but her nerves were sore, and she rubbed her thighs gently. "Oooh...at least it stopped. That had to be the worst thing ever..." Looking up, she noticed that everything seemed normal, even her body. Her breasts were still a C-cup, and her lower half was still slim and svelt. The swelling must've only been temporary, she assumed, and cracked a slight smile. That was one thing she could count on, at least. Getting up was a little harder than usual, her muscles far more fatigued than she first thought. Jill started down the stairwell, not noticing that in the mirror, her proportions were far more exaggerated than her eyes told her.
Her hips seemed to be slowly swelling, as well as most of her legs. They had to be at least two, three feet thick! They wobbled slightly, and were slightly squashed against the wall in the hallway. Her rear end had taken a lot of damage too, almost creating a shelf on her backside. Her hips, judging by the size of her legs, had to be around the same width as both her legs combined. As such, she was nearly wide as she was tall. Her breasts, however, did little to alleviate this almost clownish image of the once-thin STARS member.
They were enormous, at least twice the size of her head if not more. Bouncing up and down softly, their forms had been slowly filled with fat during Jill's unconsciousness, and had swollen to the point of almost ripping her shirt to pieces. It balanced her backside quite well, and allowed her to have complete control over her body. But with every bounce and step, they seemed to gain a few more centimeters.
The brunette, however, was completely oblivious to this huge increase in size. Her mind was playing tricks on her; as she continued to swell from the effects of the F-virus needle, she grew more and more fatigued from carrying around her weight, and yet she kept on, not realizing what her exhaustion was from.