WHO??: Coal  
WHEN???: 08-27-08 @ 10:13pm WHAT!!!!!!!: Raspy-How your voice will sound with half-a-mouthful of teeth and nothing but whiskey to wash down the rest
WHO??: stranger  
WHEN???: 08-28-08 @ 12:31am WHAT!!!!!!!: Tipsy - The combo of stogy and whiskey may knock you just beyond this stage, into a drunken stupor that reveals many of your hidden secrets
WHO??: Nizza  
WHEN???: 08-28-08 @ 12:46am WHAT!!!!!!!: Ugly - what most people become when they're just past tipsy and and reek of whiskey and stogies.
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 08-29-08 @ 8:57am WHAT!!!!!!!: Veracity - everyone will doubt yours if you reek of whiskey and stogies
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 08-30-08 @ 8:05am WHAT!!!!!!!: Xylophone - what your nasty little brother plays to help you clear you head as you feebly wave your hands and say "Don't... don't... please don't do that."
WHO??: Ravenwand, Rising Star!  
WHEN???: 08-30-08 @ 8:09am WHAT!!!!!!!: Xig-Xag - alternate spelling of Zig-zag, if you happen to run out of z's
WHO??: Ravenwand, Rising Star!  
WHEN???: 08-30-08 @ 8:10am WHAT!!!!!!!: Yell - what you do to your brother right before you break the xylophone over his head.
WHO??: stranger  
WHEN???: 08-30-08 @ 2:39pm WHAT!!!!!!!: Alligator- what your brother sets loose on you after you smack him, and also what you might hallucinate when your smoking the zig-zag
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 08-31-08 @ 9:41am WHAT!!!!!!!: Chucking - what you will be doing up after eating too much alligator tail.
WHO??: Mr. Chowda Head  
WHEN???: 09-01-08 @ 4:57am WHAT!!!!!!!: Ducking- what we'll be doing while you 're chucking
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 09-01-08 @ 10:25am WHAT!!!!!!!: Ewwing - What I'll be doing when I get done spewing.
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 09-02-08 @ 9:01am WHAT!!!!!!!: Go - What the guests did when the castanets came out and the provocative Spanish after-vomit courtship dance began.
WHO??: Mr. Chowda Head  
WHEN???: 09-02-08 @ 9:01am WHAT!!!!!!!: Gollygeewillickers- what Beaver said after he read all the disgusting spewing, chucking etc... weirdness
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 09-02-08 @ 9:09am WHAT!!!!!!!: Hose - Beaver got the garden hose and washed away the spew, then when everything was clean and fresh, he drank a Mountain Dew.
WHO??: Mr. Chowda Head  
WHEN???: 09-02-08 @ 9:34am WHAT!!!!!!!: Igottapee- What Beaver said after he drank too much Mountain Dew
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 09-03-08 @ 9:54am WHAT!!!!!!!: Jerry - the first name of the actor who played Beaver - Jerry Mathers - and an excellent piece of trivia that you should memorize because it might come in handy again in a future In&Out
WHO??: stranger  
WHEN???: 09-08-08 @ 7:40pm WHAT!!!!!!!: Kompletely Bored - What you have to be to find out such useless trivia
WHO??: Mr. Chowda Head  
WHEN???: 09-09-08 @ 4:29am WHAT!!!!!!!: Livedalongtime: What you have done if you remember when such trivia was common knowledge.
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 09-09-08 @ 8:00am WHAT!!!!!!!: MessingaroundwiththeformatoftheIn&Out - what you are doing when you run words together for a quick easy post
WHO??: Mr. Chowda Head  
WHEN???: 09-10-08 @ 5:22am WHAT!!!!!!!: Nahnah Na Nahnah- what you say to in & outers who take in & outs seriously.
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 09-10-08 @ 8:55am WHAT!!!!!!!: Oprah -- she's gonna come and pound in your head if you don't straighten up and get serious about this In&Out
WHO??: TSC  
WHEN???: 09-10-08 @ 6:11pm WHAT!!!!!!!: Pharaohs. Ruled Egypt with an iron fist, much like Oprah and the talk-show world.
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 09-11-08 @ 9:57am WHAT!!!!!!!: Rust - what will happen to Don Quixote's armor if he doesn't keep it dry
WHO??: Mr. Chowda Head  
WHEN???: 09-11-08 @ 10:47am WHAT!!!!!!!: Stainless Steel- rust proof armor
WHO??: TSC  
WHEN???: 09-11-08 @ 2:33pm WHAT!!!!!!!: Thimbles-Made of steel.
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 09-13-08 @ 7:17am WHAT!!!!!!!: Unusual - the kind of connections your mind makes
WHO??: stranger  
WHEN???: 09-17-08 @ 12:15am WHAT!!!!!!!: valuable- your contributions to this in and out, story creator. I like you, even if stevo doesnt.
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 09-17-08 @ 8:57am WHAT!!!!!!!: Weird - what the idea that Steve doesn't like TSC is
WHO??: TSC  
WHEN???: 09-17-08 @ 2:36pm WHAT!!!!!!!: X-friend. What everyone here definatly isn't.
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 09-18-08 @ 8:44am WHAT!!!!!!!: Yod - the Finger of God or possibly TSC
WHO??: Mr. Chowda Head  
WHEN???: 09-18-08 @ 10:06am WHAT!!!!!!!: Zeewiz- Zeewiz ,will you two take your love-fest offline
WHO??: TSC  
WHEN???: 09-18-08 @ 1:25pm WHAT!!!!!!!: Budding-The process in which a bud is formed when a mommy flower, and a daddy flower love each other VERY much...
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 09-19-08 @ 9:18am WHAT!!!!!!!: Cooing - the sound of a daddy pigeon telling a mommy pigeon that he would like to have sex now
WHO??: TSC  
WHEN???: 09-19-08 @ 11:21pm WHAT!!!!!!!: Disgusting: How our conversation must seam to other people.
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 09-20-08 @ 6:37am WHAT!!!!!!!: Energized - How they really feel to be hearing fresh frank talk about bodily functions
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 09-21-08 @ 8:34am WHAT!!!!!!!: Gonads - Daddy pigeon had big ones
WHO??: Mr. Chowda Head  
WHEN???: 09-22-08 @ 8:51am WHAT!!!!!!!: Herpes-Momma pigeon gets around.
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 09-23-08 @ 9:17am WHAT!!!!!!!: Instinct - no brains, no choice, you don't need to tell them to "just do it" - Mommy and Daddy pigeon just do
WHO??: TSC  
WHEN???: 09-23-08 @ 2:41pm WHAT!!!!!!!: 'Jected: Slang term for ejackulated.
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 09-24-08 @ 6:20am WHAT!!!!!!!: Kids - the biological reason for all the hanky panky, except pigeon kids are called squabs or pigeonlings or something
WHO??: Ryno  
WHEN???: 09-24-08 @ 4:53pm WHAT!!!!!!!: Lovenest - where Mommy and Daddy pigeon live.
WHO??: TSC  
WHEN???: 09-24-08 @ 7:24pm WHAT!!!!!!!: Monkeys-They can be mommys and daddys too!
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 09-25-08 @ 9:50am WHAT!!!!!!!: Nuts - what you toss at the monkeys at the zoo to try to make them stop doing the mommy/daddy thing while your children are watching
WHO??: Mr. Chowda Head  
WHEN???: 10-06-08 @ 4:47am WHAT!!!!!!!: Opium- what you must be smoking if you think a monkey would prefer nuts to procreation.
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 10-06-08 @ 10:14am WHAT!!!!!!!: Poem - Something a monkey would never write. All they do is procreate and fight.
WHO??: stranger  
WHEN???: 10-14-08 @ 9:54pm WHAT!!!!!!!: Quack- Another thing monkeys don't do. Although it would be cool if they did.
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 10-15-08 @ 8:53am WHAT!!!!!!!: Ruckus - the sound of a hundred monkeys quacking
WHO??: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
WHEN???: 10-31-08 @ 9:47pm WHAT!!!!!!!: Tasers - if you got 'em then use 'em on the monkeys and help end the stampede
WHO??: Mr. Chowda Head  
WHEN???: 01-27-09 @ 7:57am WHAT!!!!!!!: Unicycles- what to give crazed monkeys to give them something to do besides stampeding
WHO??: Dad  
WHEN???: 05-24-09 @ 1:47pm WHAT!!!!!!!: Wisdom - it takes no wisdom to know that monkey can ride unicycles. And, it takes very little wisdom for certain people (especially those named "dad") to know they can't.
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