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I'd like to suggest something about the Spam problem. Perhaps follow a tactic of Yahoo!'s, and not tell the user they have new mail at their e-mail link if that mail has been marked as Spam and already dumped in the Trash bin. When the user goes into their inbox for any OTHER reason (to look at LEGITIMATE mail, or to reply to a message, etc.), they will still be able to see the little notice at the bottom that says they have some message(s) marked as Spam sitting in the Trash--but there's little need to be told we have new mail if it's only junk anyway. I always find it disappointing to log on, find I have new mail, then see it is only Spam. If a user is logged in at Yahoo! and goes to the homepage, their little e-mail link points out new mail only if it is not marked as "Bulk Mail" (that is, Spam); the user only knows they have Spam if they actually go into their inbox and find it sitting in the Bulk Mail folder, where it sits for about thirty days I think before the system deletes it, or the user can empty it out when they want. Well, seeing as Writing.com already has a folder set aside for Spam, and a Spam filtering system, why not do away with the need to point out new mail if it's only junk mail? Just in case there are users who would object since a legitimate e-mail can accidentally be marked as Spam (that's never happened to me here, though), it could be a user-defined setting; an option which can be turned on or off at the user's discretion. And since the Spam sits in the Trash for a certain period of time, the user can always check in there on occasion just to make sure they didn't miss anything. That's about it. ["Manitou Island" ] ["The Book Of The Gods; Or, Tales Of Kemet" ] ["Skew 2003-2005" ] ["The Ameni Chronicles" --X-Rated] Why are there trees I never walk under but large and melodious thoughts descend upon me? -- Walt Whitman |