Last week went really well, finishing and submitting my Danish SF story and doing far more reviews than I normally have time for. Usually, this is where I then I try to push myself and do even better this week. But I'm not.
Lately, life has been pretty chaotic, kids being sick, me being sick, new projects at work coming out of nowhere, and experience tells me that whenever I strive to reach too far, life will throw something in my way. Besides, I also have some smaller goals that I always seem to deprioritize and never really have the time for.
So this week, I will focus on building on the good hits from previous weeks, but I also want to take a breather and maybe work a bit on those "small goals," which are mostly related to Codex.
Writing Goals
Write every day: As always, this one i the top priority.
Continue my DIY MFA-thingy: It's been a while since I've worked on it, but inspired by like-minded writers, I created a sort of DIY MFA program for myself a year or so ago. It includes writing exercise split into subjects/skills, and a reading list including focus areas for each story on the list. I hope to both do some of the writing and reading exercises, but at the very least I should get started on one of them.
Do a Codex review: Normally, I only have time for one review a week, and that's a WYRM review. I'm going to take a break there, or at least deprioritize WYRM reviews this week, and focus on doing a review in Codex instead.
Read short stories: Outside of reviewing, I also want to focus on getting back to reading published short stories regularly. I have no specific number I want to reach.
Writing Related (sort of) Goals
Get exercise: Two or three exercise sessions / runs is the goal. It should be doable.
Eat healthy: I need to do what I did last week, keep away from sweats and fatty snacks... and then not fall in at the end of the week.
Participate in Codex lunch: I keeping this as a separate goal this time around...
Be active on Codex: Because I want to pressure myself to be active in some other way than the lunch, too.
Do vocal exercises: As always. I'm aiming for twice a day, but if I do the exercises once a day throughout the week, that's okay too.