Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday! |
Last week was a really productive writing week but also a week that ended up with the creeping sensation of a cold/flu to come. And here it is. So while I want to push my goals and build on the momentum from last week, I will probably also hold back a little. I think I'll be focusing on my Danish short story in the making and getting a couple of reviews done. Also, I will skip my vocal exercises this week or at least until my throat isn't sore anymore. Writing Goals Write every day: Same old goal that always goes to the top of the list. Finish first draft of my the Danish SF story: The submission deadline turned out to be start of March not end of March, so I need to focus on this story. Luckily, I'm missing just one scene and a bit before I have a first draft ready. Do a review: Another WYRM review that needs doing. Do another review: And probably one or more after that. Somewhat Writing Related Goals Get exercise: Yeah, I'm not sure I'll be able to do much with this one, what with the cold/flu. Still, if I have any energy left, it would be nice to get a bit of light exercise done. Eat healthy: Not one I have high hopes for either, but it needs to be on the list. Do follow-up work for Fantasticon preparation: I got a lot of prep-work done last week, but that has and will continue to create follow-up work. Not sure how much will come my way during the week, but I hope I can manage what comes. Be active on Codex: Participate in discussions, update my author threat, whatever makes sense. Do a blog post: Lowest on the list, as always, but I have an idea for a post that I hope to at least start on this week. |