An activity forum for sharing quotes, phrases, lyrics, and lines of poetry. |
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Oh…this is exactly the thing I enjoy the most. I have done this for years. I have an old steno pad that is ancient, like me. Started it before computers existed. I named the steno pad: A Turn of a Phrase. Every time I read a book, I would jot down fantastic phrases. I know everything in that pad is copyrighted, so I have never used it for anything other than my personal enjoyment. But I have read and re-read it. So uplifting and inspiring. Reading it all linked together in a continuous line is an unexpected experience of beauty and wonder of the human mind. It creates its own ebb and flow. Always makes me smile as it is obvious which book genre I was reading at the time. I now keep a journal in a children’s book that I purchased at the library, instead of a steno pad. The book has lots of white space around cute kitten pictures. I jot down my own thoughts and book phrases that speak to me. My neighbor said, “Your kids will think you are crazy, when they find all those disconnected phrases after you die. They may even think they are all yours.” So I have begun drawing a block around each group and indicating the name of the book and the author. (To protect the innocent). Wasn’t that what that old tv series used to say. (Names have been changed to protect the innocent). Was that Jack Web? And he used to say, “Only the Facts Mam’n.” Now I am really dating myself. Better shut up. Besides it is 3pm here and time for my nap. Have a great day. And thank you for the opportunity to chat. |