Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday! |
1. "I Write in 2024" . It's week 16. I think I already have something written for GoT that I can use. I do, I just need to post it and do the review. 2. "Merit Badge Magic" April prompts are up. All projects have been awarded up to this point. 3. "Game of Thrones" "Small Council Chamber House Lannister" I have to keep track of this insanity all month. I am still wondering what I was thinking when I signed up. 4. I have three newsletters assigned this month. Two are done, the third will be done shortly. Done! 5. And then there's this. "Writing.Com Contest Judges Forum" 20 reviews to do. First read-through done. Goal is to do my judging order this week and begin reviews. Second read-throughs done, judging order partially decided. Reviews loaded into review tool, ready to be worked on. One review done. Hey, it's better than none. 6. "WDC Dragon Vale " A new thing I got myself into, curtesy of GoT. There are some cool badges to earn, but we will see how far I get. Dragon egg purchased, egg hatched. |