Outlining Strategies
1. A traditional outline format with bullet points, numbers/letters, or chapters.
2. Index cards (paper or electronic) which can be easily shuffled to change scene order later.
3. The Snowflake Method.
A. Use one of the following story models as a fill-in-the-blank outline template:
1. The Five-Point Story Structure.
2. The Eight-Point Story Structure.
3.The Hero's Journey Story Structure.
4. Any other appropriate model.
This prompt was in last night's OctoPrep closeout.
I used the index card method when I plotted my last novels. Think electronic if you like to keep everything on the computer.
To me, having notes on cards was tactile, I could touch them and physically reorder them. On the computer, make different files. Same idea, different technologies. Old school or new school.
Whatever method you choose, starting is the hardest thing to do. It's a new day with new challenges.
Ready, set, WRITE!!!!