Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed! |
25 GPs were sent to Schnujo's Giving Away GPs with this post.
1. Dirty Poetry "my November entry " with item
2. The Littlest Poetry Contest "my entry for November " with item
3. The Random Poetry Contest "Invalid Post" with item
4. Second Time Around Contest "round 18 flash fiction " with item
5. 24 Syllables "Invalid Post" with item
6. Haiku Hunt Contest "my November entry" with item
7. The Whatever Contest "my November entry " with item
8. Thankful Poetry Contest "my Thanksgiving entry " with item
9.Verfabula: A Creative Nonfiction Contest "my entry for November " with item
10. Frightmare Contest "Invalid Post" with item
11. Weird Tales Contest "Invalid Post" with item
12. The Dialogue 500 "my straight talk entry " with item
13. Honoring Our Veterans "my November entry " with item
14. Quote's Rock Forum "Invalid Post" with item
15. The Humorous Short Story Contest "my November entry " with item
16. Marketing Muse "my pickle lip balm entry " with item
This was a lot of fun to do this weekend! Thank you for the challenge! |