A warm welcome to our newbies; come meet new and not-so-new members of Writing.Com! |
I looked at your blog
Regarding your blog... you should be able to add entries. In the long run that's better than putting everything in the header/intro. Easier to read and comment on a particular entry. There are quite a few bloggers in our age group as well as some youth. We each have our own style. Hope you can visit some of us. Have you met Apondia yet? She lives in a rural farming community. Sumojo also lives in the middle of nowhere... but in Australia. I, on the other hand, live in a college town. Very different. And speaking of different... Elle - on hiatus collects some of us crazies from around the world; she's in New Zealand. Robert Waltz has a blog with many readers and that's a place to connect with others. Follow bloggers will give you ideas to enrich your blog. You have an opportunity to meet new friends with similar interests yet at the same time folks whose real-life experiences are nothing like yours. Some make fiction seem boring. All types of folks. Quite a few are INTJ as well. Which is surprising because it's not that common a personality. As an ENFP I seem to find them all! Am I unique? My favorite color is orange and I'm left-handed. So... surprise, surprise, found out there are quite a few others! |