A warm welcome to our newbies; come meet new and not-so-new members of Writing.Com! |
Hello fellow writers, I've joined up here as I would like to share my writing. However, this is halted as currently I am suffering sleep deprivation, harassed by two neighbours (one for 2 years and the other since March). For this reason I hope that you will bear with me, as I would rather be fully brain functioning rather than so sleepy I can't stay awake the whole day. I have so much written that I want to share, I may repost others work on my blog (if agreeable), and I would like to find a script writers group later on as well. All these things sadly must be restrained until I am able to sleep (My Council landlord endorses these women's actions, can you believe? One Council executive even said "maybe she saves money by running her washing machine after 1am." I won't tell you what my thoughts were but I'm sure you can guess some choice phrases that went through my mind. I am seeking legal representation and currently drafting an email to send to someone I just found. Hoping this person will take the case (against landlord too if possible, but against neighbours to start with will be great) With all this going on and no energy to wash or dress, I am amazed I can even put the computer on, but I need something to buoy me up, and I have friends on the web around various places so I try. Wishing you peace, and hoping soon I will be washing. :-/ Bless, twilightfilmz |