Because he was the very first person to review my work waaay back when. We became and still are friends 10+ years later! He is the one who pushed me to be all that I am!
Ren the Klutz! 
Because she is a hoot, a really nice person and another writer I've gotten to know on and off site! She's one of the folks who let me read them my stuff and always has excellent suggestions, comments and critiques.
Mara ♣ McBain 
She says she used to be intimidated by me...then she got to know me! She's a first rate writer, a friend and my number one blather-buddy!
He's an exceptional writer, a better friend and one of those whose writing requires you to think. He pushes me to be the very best I can be.
A.T.B: It'sWhatWeDo 
My muse, my friend, an incredible person and an absolute JOY!
Calli Seren 
A lovely, truly good lady who is a fine, fine writer, whom I admire and who constantly inspires me!
She's another excellent writer (sense a theme here?) and sends me pebbles from her journeys around the world.
drjim This guy is an all-around winner in my book...super poet and friend who constantly amazes and inspires those around him to be their best!
Another one of those truly awesome folks that one is lucky to meet and get to know. She's funny and sweet, a deep writer and very special.
Cool, funny, awesome lady who amazes me constantly.
Deep thinker, awesome writer, special, wonderful and sweet man!
An inspiration, a writer of the first degree, truly good person and she really knows me!
A lady whose energy doesn't quit, who rises to every occasion and is one of THE most helpful souls on WdC!
kansaspoetBecause when this dear man finally gave me good reviews, I knew I'd really earned his respect!
The StoryMaster 
Because he built the place I came home to when I had no true home. He created the place that let me rediscover myself, got me writing again and, in many ways, saved my life.
Everyone in my list I've either talked to on the phone bunches or actually met...well, except for SM but hope springs eternal!