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A 15th WDC Anniversary forum to honor past and present members. Who will YOU remember?
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Sep 1, 2015 at 12:21pm
The 15 Who've Help toMmold me into the WW I Am Today...
*Candleb* The StoryMaster Author Icon & The StoryMistress Author Icon If Kiya can get away with two for one, so can I. They rule the site with flair, humor, competence--lots and lots of that, of course, and they are fun to be with, each day. (Whether they know it or not.) Love what both of them have done with the place! Thanks to them for our WDC home.*House*

However, I realize this birthday candle celebration is about members who have crossed our paths and helped form who we have become, here on WDC. So I give this list, in no particular order, but with real gratitude for all of these members whom have made a huge impression on me, when I was a Newbie on WDC. This is in no way a complete list of those I consider a big part of my WDC home-life, here. It’s just a brief list of those who helped mold me as a writer and reviewer when I first started on WDC eight years ago.

*Candleb* kiyasamaAngel Army, folks! *Angelic* I was immersed in reviewing, learning the ropes and then adopting Newbies, as a mentor, under her guidance. I thought she was so awesome--and she is! Energy that just seemed to multiply and became infectious to all those around her.
*Candleb* Joy Author IconOMG, a purple case! A wonderful judge in the first Senior Mod run contest I entered. She was so gentle with my Newbie self. She's always been a joy to be around and adds so much sunshine to this place. I learned not to fear “purple." Her reviews were and are helpful and encouraging, especially to a Newbie. *BigSmile*
*Candleb* Lawrence Author Icon Larry was so sweet, He actually convinced me to try my hand at poetry. I always said, “WebWitch doesn't do poetry!" He begged to differ with me. I miss that sweet man!
*Candleb* StephBee Author IconI was a little hesitent at entering contests, but I entered one of the Bard's Hall contest prompts, won first place, and somehow, right after that, was asked to judge the upcoming contest. Soon, I got adopted into the forum, and now co-host the contest with her. We have fun, keep in touch often and share stories as would two ladies from New England, who have moved around a bit. *Hug*
*Candleb* Speedy's mom Author IconRan some great review challenges when I was a Newbie, trying to earn GPs. She had the first “Mod Blitz Reviews,” reviewing challenge, that I was ever in. I was shy about reviewing “Blue Cases” and that event helped me to get over it. I met so many mods through doing those reviews and found out that they were not so scary. *Laugh*
*Candleb* Maryann Author IconPower Reviewers, baby! Got me hooked on all the review madness, early on. It was a Preferred authors review forum, at first, and then went site-wide, so any case colors could join. I had turned “Blue" and worried about being thrown out of the forum. *Laugh*, but she took care of all that, and revamped the whole forum. Yellow Power" became WDC Power Reviewers! *Sun*
*Candleb* Kathleen Author IconI miss Kathleen something terrible. She was another Senior Mod that anyone could approach easily. She created some fun events, -- who could forget “Holiday Handles?" *Web4* Kind and generous, and so missed here on WDC!
*Candleb* ♥HOOves♥ Author IconThis generous person of many personas, keeps the site fun, on its toes and always has a nice thing to say to members. I think she was one of the moderators, I clung to right away, because if you couldn’t go to her, or tHiNg, you could always go the “Hooves .” Hooves was very approachable, because he's a bull. And, he had his very own portfolio, way back then, when there were a few authorized second cases, allowed. *Hand2* tHiNg/Hooves, Cowser Sozie, all of them are loved and fun to be around.
*Candleb* Meg Author IconMeg was so kind to me when I first joined WDC. We communicated a lot, although she lived in Australia and I in the US. We shared a birthday for a few hours, since hers was 2/22 and mine 2/21, there was a brief window where it was a new day for her and still the “past day” WDC time, when it was both of our birthdays.
*Candleb* Acme Author Icon Gave me my first MB “Friendship" and an upgrade. She's fun, has a good command of English, since, well, she's English, and ran some fun contests. When I first met her, as a Newbie, I thought she was a guy. *Facepalm*! She taught me how to post my first “sig."
*Candleb* laurencia Gone from WDC, but not forgotten.Welcomed my “Newbie-me” into her review forum meant for Newbies only, and I started reviewing for her each week. Eventually, I helped her, welcoming new Newbies into the forum.This was before the days of the many “Newbie” welcoming groups of today. I miss seeing her around here. I hope she is well.
*Candleb* drjimBecause I reviewed one of his poems, when he was a Newbie, on the site for only ten days, and gave it the very first awardicon he ever received. He didn't respond right away because he didn't know what an awardicon was at the time. He thought it was spam on his work. *Rolling* Finally, he realized it was a wonderful thing, wrote and thanked me, and we continued the corresponence. We've been together for over seven years. He’s my soul-mate. *InLove2*
*Candleb* SHERRI GIBSON Author IconSher is like a sister to me. *Hug* I cannot begin to thank her for all she has done to help me grow on this site. I hopped into her review forums early on and made another little home there. From 3 of Hearts, to the very successful review group Simply Positive. Love you Sher!
*Candleb* GabriellaR45 Author IconIf you don't know Gabs, you don't know WDC. She is the most generous, kind and helpful person there can be. She was so encouraging to me when I was a Newbie, reviewing for the first time. She was one of the first, if not the first person to give me GPs for my first Public Reviews. I was in awe of this woman -- still am! *Heart*
*Candleb* willwilcoxAlways easy going, funny and an all around good fellow to know. Love his horror and humor and how easy it was to communicate with his mod-ship, when I just a mere Newbie, doing Mod Reviews. *Devilish*

*NoteW* Of course this list is not complete -- but you did put a limit on the number. As I stated, these were very early influences in my WDC life.

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The 15 Who've Help toMmold me into the WW I Am Today... · 09-01-15 12:21pm
by Ẃeβ࿚Ẃỉtcĥ Author IconMail Icon
Re: The 15 Who've Help toMmold me into the WW I Am Today... · 09-01-15 12:40pm
by iKïyå§ama Author IconMail Icon
Re: Re: The 15 Who've Help toMmold me into the WW I Am To... · 09-01-15 1:05pm
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Re: Re: Re: The 15 Who've Help toMmold me into the WW I A... · 09-01-15 1:24pm
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Re: Re: Re: Re: The 15 Who've Help toMmold me into the WW... · 09-01-15 1:27pm
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Re: The 15 Who've Help toMmold me into the WW I Am Today... · 09-08-15 6:07pm
by StephBee Author IconMail Icon
Re: Re: The 15 Who've Help toMmold me into the WW I Am To... · 07-17-16 6:14am
by Acme Author IconMail Icon

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