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Hi SMs. I would like to suggest that groups can have a designated, or assigned, group co-owners. The "Let's help each other grow- Closed" has been run by myself for a year now. ~*Arpita*~ has not been seen or heard from since before last Christmas. I do understand that members can have a long hiatus, or even leave without deleting their account. The group can not move forward, as we had to fund her membership to unlock the group items last time it expired and we can't keep doing that. I suggest a system of having members designated, by mutual agreement, as group co-owners on the group main page. (Maybe a level 14 default?) If a group owner was to disappear for 3 or 6 months, or the items were locked in their port, the group could be transferred to the designated member's port. (Yes, the receiving member would pay any GP fee applicable.) I know this might be a pain, but I really don't want to see any more great groups lost or locked because of this. Thank you for listening to my suggestion. Regards, Sisco. ~~Image #6000 Sharing Restricted~~ ** Image ID #1902887 Unavailable ** ** Image ID #1793102 Unavailable **