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I'VE BEEN TAGGED BY: Roscoe --see "Invalid Item" . deemac --see "Invalid Post" THE RULES: Link to your tagger and post these rules. List 8 random facts about yourself. At the end tag 8 other people. Let them know they’ve been tagged via their blog or email. I don’t have a Blog so I’m using My Guest Book instead. Please feel free to leave a message while you’re here! Eight RANDOM FACTS about Starr*R 1. I've never been afraid of the dark. 2. When I was in first grade, our home caught fire, and I've been afraid of fire ever since. 3. In real life, I'm a little shy and have a hard time meeting new people, espc. in crowds. 4. I was a bartender in Daytona Beach through 8 years of Spring Break, Bike Week, and various other "special nights." 5. Many of my dark stories are my vicarious ways of getting revenge against former boyfriends. 6. One of my favorite short stories of all time is "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson. 7. I've found some of my best friends since going online. 8. I don't blog because I don't really like talking about myself in that way. I'LL BE TAGGING: Nikola~Coffee Drinking Lady! trose StaiNe twyls kip Mark Coal deemac And now that dee tagged me again, I get to pick 8 more friends to tag, right? darkin Ravenwand, Rising Star! Mrs. Whatsit THANKFUL SONALI Love my family Paige has found her muse! Just in Sight spinsky Steev the Friction Wizurd What fun! Big thanks to whoever created this! Let me know who it was. Note: this format was blatantly stolen from my kind and understanding friend deemac at "Invalid Post" . Look for my story at Grim Graffititi! http://www.grimgraffiti.com Consider yourself tagged. See "Taglines" for details. |