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Dec 3, 2006 at 5:11pm
Edited: December 3, 2006 at 5:15pm
Spoiler Warning! Summaries of first 2 episodes
This is for you people who are interested in helping me write this or who are helping me in other ways, if you aren't then this will spoil it for you!

Episode 1: The Rift, Part One


The most recent disappearance is a small Vulcan ship, sucked in by a mysterious, glowing, growing thing known as “The Rift.” Two ships, Captain T'Vral’s and Captain Andersen's, are sent out to investigate.
Andersen and T'Vral are old friends, and many of their crew members know each other. Andersen invites T'Vral and her first officer, Savek, to dinner on his ship. Despite the circumstances, they try to enjoy themselves (well, maybe except the Vulcans.)
After they eat, T'Vral and Savek go back to their ship, and a few of their crewmembers transport over to Andersen's ship to help them be able to study the Rift better. Upgrade or recalibrate things.
They arrive at the Rift and get in positions close enough to study it while still maintaining a safe distance. But they have the same problem as many of the ships who had disappeared into it - they can't get accurate sensor reading from that distance. So the smaller, more agile Vulcan ship moves in closer, still saying far enough away, or so they thing.
But the Rift has grown and changed, and what used to be safe isn't. T'Vral's ship gets pulled into the center fo the Rift - they can't escape. The last thing she does before they vanish is to warn Andersen not to follow her into the Rift - it has become unstable and if his ship entered it could explode.
Then they disappear. To Andersen, they simply vanish. But to them, they are being pulled through time and space and who knows what else. The power fails on the ship, and backup systems go down. They have re-appeared in the atmosphere and are falling fast towards the ground.
After a break, it switches to a woman driving home at night, returning from a business trip. A storm is coming up, and it's already raining some. She calls her husband to let him know she's non her way home, and then a little while after she hangs up the storm gets worse, it's raining hard and visibility is down to 0 with the lightning like strobe lights. She can't pull over without the risk of someone following her and not realizing she stopped. So she keeps on going, hoping nothing happens. Coming the other way, a truck driver loses control, crosses over the median into the oncoming lanes, and collides with her car, killing her instantly.
Safe inside their house, Joseph and his oldest daughter Tina are watching the rain when they hear the news. Joseph's wife, Tina's mother, is dead.
The ship crashes. To be continued ...

          - Principals: Andersen, Shawn, (second officer), Narok, T’Vral, Savek
          - Recurring:

Important Events:
          - First disappearance - May 13, 2402 (*)
          - T’Vral’s ship gets sucked in - June 27, 2402 (*)/April 15, 1998

Episode 2: The Rift, Part Two


Recap of important points in episode 1 - the Vulcan ship disappearing, the dinner, T’Vral’s ship getting sucked in, Joseph’s wife dying, T’Vral’s ship crashing. Shows entire crash and goes farther than showing the outside, showing what happened inside.
The captain has fallen on something sharp and punctured her lung. There are various other injuries among the crew, none quite as severe as hers unless someone dies.
It continues raining for days, on the morning after the crash Savek and Marek start searching for a better place to stay than the cold, wet, and potentially dangerous remains of the ship. They find Joseph’s guest house and move in. They find dry clothes, turn up the heat, and settle in.
Back on Andersen’s ship, everyone is panicking and trying to figure out what to do. The people from T’Vral’s ship are told what to do, they start contributing to his ship, to the rescue effort.
The next day, Savek is sent to find food and news. It’s still raining and he has to walk, they find an umbrella and he sets out. Before long Joseph pulls in his car alongside him and asks who he is, what he needs, and is a little upset to find this guy is staying on his land without permission. But it’s pouring and he decides to give him a ride into town and let him stay in the guest house. T’Vral, who has been sitting or laying down forever, hears them and stands at the window watching.
Disagreements start among Andersen’s and T’Vral’s crewmembers on his ship about what they should be doing, whether to get closer or back off, what they should use to get information or try to rescue them.
Marek checks on T’Vral, making sure she’s doing okay. Their sickbay was mostly destroyed so he has been limited in what he can do for her. She has lost quite a bit of blood and isn’t doing very good, and we learn that she has many more injuries than just the punctured lung.
Savek returns with food and information. The food is good but T’Vral can’t really eat. The information – first contact has already been made by someone who (at least supposedly) was only interested in the planet for colonization. Everyone is paranoid about aliens now. They realize it is an alternate universe they are in, and they need to be careful not to be found out.
On Andersen’s ship, they decide to move away slightly from the Rift for their own safety. They settle down and realize they’re stuck with where they are and what they’re been given, they have to make the best of it and do what they have to do.

          -Principals: Andersen, Shawn, second officer, Narok, T’Vral, Savek, Marek, Joseph
          -Other: the crewmember who dies,

Important Events:
Spoiler Warning! Summaries of first 2 episodes · 12-03-06 5:11pm
by Caren Rose
Re: Spoiler Warning! Summaries of first 2 episodes · 12-11-06 12:56am
by A Non-Existent User
Re: Re: Spoiler Warning! Summaries of first 2 episodes · 12-11-06 9:31am
by Caren Rose

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