Have something that just makes you mad? Well, here's the place to complain about it! |
In the latest issue of Self Magazine, there is an ad by the Diamond Trading Company. It's on the inside of the back cover. This is what it says: "Your left hand says you're taken. Your right hand says you can take over. Your left hand celebrates the day you were married. Your right hand celebrates the day you were born. Women of the world, raise your right hand. The diamond right hand ring. View more at adiamondisforever.com" So, now they're trying to get women to wear diamond rings on their right hands, as well as their left. They're doing this by proclaiming it an act of empowerment. I'm not sold on this idea. Isn't it funny that a corporation is trying to sell empowerment? The same companies that reinforce the idea that you can measure love with money. If a man loves you, he'll buy you a diamond ring, because everyone knows that diamonds are a girl's best friend. They're also reinforcing stereotypes of women being materialistic. Well, diamonds are not this girl's best friend, I assure you.
What's going on with the music scene in Central PA? Find out: http://mysite.verizon.net/vzeop0zn/index.html ** Image ID #992168 Unavailable ** |