The official Writing.Com Content Rating Support forum: questions, rating adjustments, etc. |
Writing.Com's Content Rating System (CRS) is used to rate the content of each item found on our website; it is an integral part of our community. Writing.Com does not normally censor or restrict content posted to the site; however, we do require that content posted to our site be rated properly according to our own guidelines. ADJUSTED RATING ON AN ITEM If you have had an item's rating adjusted by Staff or a Writing.Com Moderator, please be sure to read the email you received in FULL so that you understand why the rating was adjusted. A rating adjustment simply lets readers know where it falls within the "Content Rating System (CRS)" . If you would like to have the item's rating readjusted or get a second opinion on the adjustment that was made, simply post your item ID and a brief description here for review. Be sure to post a direct link to the item using WritingML and its item ID. If you have questions regarding the adjustment, post those here, as well. BE RESPECTFUL All posts in this forum must remain respectful at all times. There is no need for hostility or sarcasm in this question/answer-based support forum. Any post found to be disrespectful will be immediately suspended or deleted. |
#3678228 #3548302 #3531672 |